Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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For the Mouth of the Lord Hath Spoken It

Though his work is almost universally known within the English-speaking world, Charles Jennens is virtually unknown. He was a brilliant librettist -- a writer of texts to be put to music by others. Born in the year 1700, Jennens inherited his father' ...

December 10, 2010

Coed Quarters & Free Birth Control–The New Campus Culture?

The campus of George Washington University must be an interesting place to be -- and it looks like it may quickly become a lot more interesting. Consider these opening words from a report in The Washington Post: "The long-eroding boundaries that once ...

December 9, 2010

Transgressing the Transgressive–Why Modern Art No Longer Shocks

The great code word for art meant to scandalize is "transgressive." The term was well-established by the end of the 1960s, when artists sought to scandalize middle-class morality by "transgressing" moral boundaries. Artists and writers began pushing ...

December 8, 2010

The Dangerous Worlds of Analog Parents with Digital Teens

Sunday's edition of The New York Times gave front-page attention to the problem of adolescent bullying on the Internet. There can be no question that the Internet and the explosion of social media have facilitated the arrival of a new and deeply sini ...

December 8, 2010

Who’s Afraid of Noah’s Ark?

A proposal to build a theme park that would feature a life-size replica of Noah's Ark has set off a controversy in Kentucky that is worth watching. Within days, the controversy had spread to the pages of The New York Times and USA Today. So, who's a ...

December 7, 2010

The Retreat from Marriage — A Recipe for Disaster

If you were determined to consign a population to poverty and any number of social pathologies, how might you do it? If your design is to extend the effects of these pathologies and pains to successive generations, what might be your plan? The answer ...

December 7, 2010

Empire or Cow Town? National Geographic Looks at the Kingdom of David and Solomon

Tel Aviv University archaeologist Israel Finkelstein argues that the kingdom of David and Solomon is a greatly embellished biblical fiction. Jerusalem, he argues, was a cow town, a "hill country village." David was an insurrectionist and bandit whose ...

December 3, 2010

The Knowledge of the Self-Revealing God: Starting Point for the Christian Worldview

One of the most important principles of Christian thinking is the recognition that there is no stance of intellectual neutrality. No human being is capable of achieving a process of thought that requires no presuppositions, assumptions, or inherited ...

December 3, 2010

Help from Hindu Quarters — The New York Times on “Take Back Yoga”

In Sunday's edition of The New York Times -- the front page, no less -- reporter Paul Vitello writes about "a surprisingly fierce debate in the gentle world of yoga." Well, welcome to my world. My last few weeks have been heavy into "fierce debate" a ...

November 29, 2010

Who Needs Marriage? TIME Asked the Question — Do You Have an Answer?

"When an institution so central to human experience suddenly changes shape in the space of a generation or two, it's worth trying to figure out why." Belinda Luscombe of TIME magazine made that observation in the course of reporting on a major study ...

November 29, 2010