Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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When the Earth Moves: Pray for the People of Japan

There can be few more frightening experiences than an earthquake, and last Friday's quake that has devastated Japan will rank among the strongest ever recorded. Ranking 9.0 on the scale of magnitude, the Sendai, Japan quake ranks fifth among earthqua ...

March 14, 2011

Doing Away with Hell? Part Two

The doctrine of hell has recently come under vicious attack, both from secularists and even from some evangelicals. In many ways, the assault has been a covert one. Like a slowly encroaching tide, a whole complex of interrelated cultural, theological ...

March 10, 2011

The Global Threat of Gendercide

Historian Niall Ferguson reminds us that Ernest Hemingway once penned a collection of short stories entitled Men Without Women. The stories are haunting, demonstrating the brutality that comes to men without the presence of women -- and especially wi ...

March 8, 2011

Doing Away with Hell? Part One

After reviewing the rise of the modern age, the Italian literary critic Piero Camporesi commented, “We can now confirm that hell is finished, that the great theatre of torments is closed for an indeterminate period, and that after 2000 years of horri ...

March 8, 2011

Will the Last Baptist at Baylor Please Turn Out the Lights?

Baylor University has been the news lately, because of the vote by the university's regents to allow up to 25 percent of the board to be non-Baptists. The Executive Board of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, meeting February 21-22, grilled Bay ...

March 2, 2011

Universalism as a Lure? The Emerging Case of Rob Bell

As is so often the case, most of us first learned of Rob Bell's new book by means of Justin Taylor and his blog, "Between Two Worlds," at the Gospel Coalition. Justin reminds me of the steady folks at the National Hurricane Center. He is able to advi ...

March 1, 2011

How Did this Happen? Why Same-Sex Marriage Makes Sense to So Many

Why does same-sex marriage make sense to so many people? The momentum toward the full legalization of same-sex marriage seems to intensify with every passing month -- or even faster. The moral divide in this nation is now seen most clearly in the dis ...

February 28, 2011

A Milestone in the Betrayal of Marriage

Attorney General Eric Holder informed Congress yesterday that President Obama had ordered the Department of Justice to cease all efforts to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in the courts. The announcement came without public warning, even as the ad ...

February 24, 2011

Boys Wrestling Girls — A Clash of Worlds and Worldviews

The state of Iowa takes high school wrestling seriously. Iowans take wrestling so seriously, in fact, that the state wrestling champion among high school boys in Iowa is like "Mr. Basketball" in Indiana -- a celebrity for life. Joel Northrup is only ...

February 22, 2011

Conscience Trampled by the Regime

The Obama administration has revoked nearly all of the conscience protections put in place by the administration of President George W. Bush. The policy change came just today, and was released as a new rule from the Department of Health and Human Se ...

February 18, 2011