Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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Kill Knut? The Twisted Logic of Animal Rights Extremists

The star attraction of the Germany's Berlin Zoo is "Knut," a three-month-old polar bear cub. Knut is popular because he is undeniably cute, but he is also the focus of controversy as well. It seems that some animal rights activists want to have him k ...

March 20, 2007

An Army of One — America Has an Atheist Congressman

The Secular Coalition for America is horribly excited about the fact that it recently uncovered America's (apparently) one and only congressman who is an admitted atheist. The group's announcement hit the headlines last week, but the publicity stunt ...

March 18, 2007

Was it Something I Said? Continuing to Think About Homosexuality

Well, never doubt the power of the media. My recent article on homosexuality ignited a firestorm in the public square. Why? We may never know -- but the controversy represents both a challenge and an opportunity. Several thoughts: I must admit much ...

March 16, 2007

OK, So Dads Make a Difference. This is News?

The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, California is out with a big news flash -- dads matter in the lives of their children. Sandra Stokley reports on the formation of "DADS," a group dedicated to encouraging men to be more involved in the lives of thei ...

March 15, 2007

“The New Family Trump Card” — Family Time vs. Church Time

Is "family time" encroaching on "church time?" Leadership, a publication in the Christianity Today family of magazines, surveyed 490 pastors last year, asking them about church life and family. A major theme -- parents are taking their kids to soccer ...

March 14, 2007

A. N. Wilson Gets It Too — No Resurrection, No Christianity

A. N. Wilson is a prominent British man of letters. Once headed for the Anglican priesthood, he later experienced what has been called a "deconversion" from Christianity. A skilled historian, his book God's Funeral: The Decline of Faith in Western Ci ...

March 13, 2007

Rabbi Gellman Gets It — The Resurrection Really Matters

Rabbi Marc Gellman, senior rabbi of Temple Beth Torah in Melville, New York, is a familiar figure in the media. He is telegenic and witty, and he serves as half of the "God Squad" team on national television. In a recent column in Newsweek, Rabbi Ge ...

March 9, 2007

Continuous Media “Snacking” — Bite Size Entertainment for an Attention-Deficit Age

Just a few decades ago, educators and other observers were warning that the American attention span was growing dangerously short. Serious political debate had been sacrificed in favor of "sound bites." Educators reported that students had difficulty ...

March 8, 2007

Are Humans Hardwired for Belief in God? Darwinism Attempts a Naturalistic Explanation of Belief in the Supernatural

Are we hardwired to believe in God? That is the strange and rather awkward question asked within this week's cover story in The New York Times Magazine. In "Darwin's God," reporter Robin Marantz Henig looks at how evolutionary scientists are trying t ...

March 7, 2007

Dogs — “Children of the New Millennium?”

Dogs are wonderful creatures. Our home is shared with a beagle named Baxter, a sweet-hearted canine of simple tastes and constant optimism. I often wonder this:  If I knew as little of what was going on as he does, would I be as happy as he is? Proba ...

March 6, 2007