Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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“The Dinner Party Test” — The Revenge of Moral Consciousness

The Independent [London] has published an amazing report indicating that Britain faces a "crisis" in the availability of abortion. It seems that "an unprecedented number of doctors are refusing to be involved in carrying out the procedure." As the p ...

April 18, 2007

On Faith — Facing the Reality of Evil

My article responding to the Virginia Tech tragedy is found at "On Faith," sponsored by The Washington Post and Newsweek magazine. An excerpt: The unspeakable evil of the killings at Virginia Tech bring us once again face to face with the reality o ...

April 17, 2007

Ten Great Christian Biographies

We read biographies because worthy portraits of our fellow human beings help us to make sense of the world. We are especially fascinated by the lives of those who have made a difference in the world -- whose mark remains visible even now. The lives o ...

April 16, 2007

The Logic of Penal Substitution

Theologian J. I. Packer delivered an historic defense of objective significance of the cross in "What Did the Cross Achieve? The Logic of Substitutionary Atonement," his 1973 Tyndale Biblical Theology Lecture at Cambridge University. Packer starts by ...

April 13, 2007

The Atonement — Understanding the Meaning of the Cross

Last week, with the cross and resurrection of Christ prominent in many public conversations, several figures launched direct attacks upon the idea of penal substitution. Most notably, The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey John of the Church of England rejected the do ...

April 12, 2007

“Wrenching Politics” Concerning Stillborn Babies? A Sad, Sad, Commentary on Our Times

Should stillborn babies be assigned birth certificates? That question is throwing some legislatures right in the middle of the conflict over abortion -- and that is a tragic commentary on our times. The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the Cali ...

April 11, 2007

Does Motherhood Mean Anything?

Iran scored a huge publicity coup in the capture and release of 15 British sailors and Royal Marines in recent days. Iran has played this game before, and is likely to play it again. The tactic puts the nation directly into the headlines around the w ...

April 10, 2007

“Beloving” vs. Believing?

Marcus Borg, soon to retire from his teaching post at Oregon State University, is described by Portland's leading newspaper as "Oregon's leading theologian." Here is how The Oregonian introduces a profile on Borg: Oregon's leading theologian walks ...

April 9, 2007

Is the Apostolic Preaching of the Cross “Insane?”

The Very Reverend Dr. Jeffrey Philip Hywel John believes that the church's traditional understanding of the cross of Christ is both "repulsive" and "insane." His comments on the cross and atonement ignited a firestorm in Great Britain and the controv ...

April 6, 2007

Believing Without Belonging

The concept of spirituality as a lone personal quest is hardly new to Christian history. Nevertheless, the development of this pattern into a massive cultural movement is a new development -- and one that is reshaping many churches. The trend has c ...

April 5, 2007