Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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Crisis, Controversy, and Confusion — Lessons from the Anglican Turmoil

The meeting of the Anglican primates in Dar es Salaam is now over, but the church's crisis is not -- not by a long shot. The primates released documents described as a Covenant and a Communique, but arguments over what the documents mean emerged even ...

February 23, 2007

We Are What We Read . . . and Eat

Brittany Shahmehri is a very creative mom, and she knows the way to a boy's heart -- through his stomach. Shahmehri and her husband want their two boys to love books and reading, and they have come up with a great way to make books come alive for ch ...

February 22, 2007

“There Really is a Crisis Situation” — India’s Millions of Missing Girls

The Associated Press is out with a rather amazing news report. It seems that India is now ready to raise unwanted baby girls in special orphanages throughout the nation. The practice of female infanticide is so widespread in India that a gender imbal ...

February 22, 2007

My Debate with Susan Jacoby at The Washington Post/Newsweek “On Faith”

Earlier today I participated in an on-line debate with author Susan Jacoby at "On Faith," a project of The Washington Post and Newsweek magazine. The conversation was interesting, and the format makes for an interesting dynamic. You can read the en ...

February 20, 2007

The Culture of Life in Focus — Crisis Pregnancy Centers Make Cover of TIME

TIME magazine is out this week with a cover article on "The Abortion Campaign You Never Hear About." The magazine's focus is the work of crisis pregnancy centers and the lead reporter, Nancy Gibbs, gets to the magazine's real question -- are these ce ...

February 20, 2007

George Washington’s God — Something Interesting for Presidents Day

With contested questions of church and state abounding in our times, the religious convictions of the Founding Fathers become the stuff of controversy. In this regard, one of the more enigmatic of the Founders was George Washington himself. Just what ...

February 19, 2007

Canterbury and Rome to Merge? As if the Anglican Communion Needed Another Controversy

Ruth Gledhill of The Times [London] is out with a bombshell in this morning's edition of the paper. If the report had been published in a paper less respected than The Times, we might have reason to doubt it. Gledhill reports that "senior bishops" of ...

February 19, 2007

The Self-Esteem Movement Backfires — When Praise is Dangerous

The self-esteem movement has transformed much of America, but this is perhaps nowhere more evident than in the schools. A brilliant article in New York Magazine provides a fascinating glimpse into why the movement is crashing and burning. As writer ...

February 16, 2007

“On Faith” — Is Sex Sinful or a Sacred?

The "On Faith" project at The Washington Post and Newsweek continues, and I am glad to take part in the forum. This week the question is: "Why do you think some religions have regarded sex as sacred while others have regarded it as a sin?" My answer ...

February 16, 2007

The Clash of Convictions

"We are seeing not a mere power struggle but the clash of deeply held convictions." Those are the words of Dr. Peter Jensen, the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney [Australia] and a defender of biblical orthodoxy within the Anglican Communion. The Arch ...

February 15, 2007