President Biden’s unpardonable pardon

President Biden’s unpardonable pardon: We must love our children both rightly and righteously “Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter.” Those w...

January 4, 2025

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Canterbury and Rome to Merge? As if the Anglican Communion Needed Another Controversy

Ruth Gledhill of The Times [London] is out with a bombshell in this morning's edition of the paper. If the report had been published in a paper less respected than The Times, we might have reason to doubt it. Gledhill reports that "senior bishops" of ...

February 19, 2007

The Self-Esteem Movement Backfires — When Praise is Dangerous

The self-esteem movement has transformed much of America, but this is perhaps nowhere more evident than in the schools. A brilliant article in New York Magazine provides a fascinating glimpse into why the movement is crashing and burning. As writer ...

February 16, 2007

“On Faith” — Is Sex Sinful or a Sacred?

The "On Faith" project at The Washington Post and Newsweek continues, and I am glad to take part in the forum. This week the question is: "Why do you think some religions have regarded sex as sacred while others have regarded it as a sin?" My answer ...

February 16, 2007

The Clash of Convictions

"We are seeing not a mere power struggle but the clash of deeply held convictions." Those are the words of Dr. Peter Jensen, the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney [Australia] and a defender of biblical orthodoxy within the Anglican Communion. The Arch ...

February 15, 2007

Should Christians Surrender the Origins Issue?

Tom Krattenmaker ofUSA Today argues that Christians are fighting a losing battle when it comes to defending a biblical worldview in terms of creation. His solution: A suggestion to creationists: Let science be science, and let religion prevail in the ...

February 14, 2007

Anglican Crisis Reaches African Summit — Pray for this Church to Stand Firm in Truth

Thirty-five of the Anglican Communion's Thirty-Eight primates, each presiding over a national church, are meeting this week in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The meeting is a last-ditch effort to avoid a total meltdown in the communion over the issue of ho ...

February 14, 2007

A Pink Reformation? Sexuality, Credibility, and the Church

Theo Hobson is a very thoughtful commentator on contemporary Christianity. He holds a doctorate from Cambridge University and writes regularly for The Guardian [London]. In his most recent column, "A Pink Reformation," Hobson argues that controversie ...

February 12, 2007

Two Strands of Faith? No, Two Different Religions

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of the Episcopal Church USA is no stranger to controversy. To the contrary, she seems to seek it out. Just consider her comments published in the February 5, 2007 edition of USA Today. In an article by repo ...

February 8, 2007

Boy or Girl? “Gender Balancing” in the Brave New World

The New York Times asks a question that would have been unimaginable until recent times: "If people want to choose their baby's sex before pregnancy, should doctors help?" Many would-be parents indicate a preference for a baby of one sex or the oth ...

February 7, 2007

Once a Church, Now a Mosque — Europe Abandons Christianity

The sight is disconcerting at best -- beautiful buildings that once housed Christian worship now transformed into bars, restaurants, entertainment clubs . . . and mosques. The cityscapes of Europe are increasingly dotted with church buildings transfo ...

February 5, 2007