The Share of Christians in the U.S. Has Stabilized? – Pew Releases Updated Findings of Its Religious Landscape Study
Religious People Trend Toward Conservatism: Pew Research Center Affirms Influence of Theology on Political Beliefs
Can Christians Retain Their Own Young People? Christians Face a Big Challenge in a Highly Secular Society That is Capturing More and More Young People
China Has Become Old Before It Has Become Rich: China in Crisis as Birth Rates Drop Lower Than Death Rates For First Time in Decades
No, This is Primarily a Moral Problem: Evaluating the West’s Response to China’s Population Drop
Retirement Is Considered Sacred? Emmanuel Macron Fights Losing Battle of Increasing France’s Retirement Age
Hold Onto Your Stoves — Yes, Progressive Really Are Coming for Them
Experts Note A Significant Uptick in UFO Sightings Over the Last Few Years — What Does This Mean?
A Society Running From Revealed Truth Will Never Be Intellectually Satisfied: Why Our Government Has Undertaken to Spend Millions of Dollars on UFO Research
‘They’re Trying to Cancel My Whole Existence.’: Psychotherapeutic Ideology and Identity Politics Meets in the Moral Revolution and its Transformation of Language
Holy Scripture Must Give Way? Bishop Calls for Church of England to Change Its Doctrine on Sexuality and Marriage
The Essence of Protestant Liberalism and Capitulation to a Secular Culture: It’s Sola Scriptura or Secular Wisdom, So Make Your Choice
Thoughts of an Observer: SpaceX Launches Falcon Heavy Carrying Classified Payload
Classified Documents Found in Trump’s Mar-A-Lago, Biden’s Corvette Garage, and Hillary Clinton’s Email: How Did the U.S. Become So Incompetent in Dealing with Its Classified Information?
‘Who Lives? Who Dies? Who Decides?’: The Worldviews On Display Reveal a Moral Crossroads
Governments Have Consequences, Especially Totalitarian Regimes: Just Consider China and its Current COVID Crisis
Why Does God Seek Glory for Himself? Does That Make Him a Narcissist? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
What is God’s Glory? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
‘Deferring to Parents Cannot Be Morally Justified’: Educator Group in U.S. Calls Teachers to Disregard Parental Rights on Issue of Gender Identity in Schools
Who Should Be Allowed in Which Bathroom? Who Should Be Allowed on Which Team? — Transgender Revolutionaries Continue to Fight For Control Over Public Schools in Florida
‘Male, Female, or Other?’: U.S. Census Bureau Struggles with Ramifications of the LGBTQ Revolution
So What Armed Rebellion? Theological Considerations of Rebellions Against Government
Two Models of Revolutions in the Modern Age: What Conservatives Can Learn from the American and French Revolutions
Most Teenagers Have Seen Online Pornography: The Unprecedented Moral Challenges of Digital Technology
The Return of Doctor Population Bomb — Why Do the Media Seem to Want Such an Intellectually Discredited Doomsday Prophet to Be Vindicated?
An Anti-Human Worldview Runs Rampant Through Our Culture: How Issues of Abortion Intersect with Those of Population Control and Make For a Deadly Combination
Sometimes, the Death Penalty is the Right (and Righteous) Response: Biden’s Department of Justice Presses for Death Penalty in Terrorism Case, Even as the President Claims to Have Halted Federal Executions
The Insatiable Culture of Death Expands Its Reach: FDA Approves Retail Stores to Prescribe Abortion Pills
A Defeat for Unborn Life and Sign of Challenges to Come: South Carolina’s Supreme Court Rules State’s Constitution Provision for Right to Privacy Includes Abortion
A Strategy for the Abortion Announced in and by the Media? New York Times Publishes Editorial Board’s Abortion Manifesto
‘Teens Who Grow Up Checking Social Media Become Hyper Sensitive to Their Peers’: New Study Shows Social Media Use Changes Brain in Teens
How Should Christians Think About IVF? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
Does Life Begin at Fertilization In Utero or at Fertilization Regardless of the Location? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing