The Share of Christians in the U.S. Has Stabilized? – Pew Releases Updated Findings of Its Religious Landscape Study
Religious People Trend Toward Conservatism: Pew Research Center Affirms Influence of Theology on Political Beliefs
Can Christians Retain Their Own Young People? Christians Face a Big Challenge in a Highly Secular Society That is Capturing More and More Young People
Sinful But Not Criminal?: Pope Francis Confuses, and Then Attempts to Clarify, Recent Comments on Homosexuality
‘The Task of the New Pope Will to Ensure Doctrinal Clarity’: Catholic Cardinals Dispute Theological and Moral Issues Sparked by LGBTQ Revolution
Convictional Leadership in a Secular Age: The High Stakes of Choosing Christian Leaders
‘The Ideology of the Judges Makes All the Difference': Why It Matters Who’s Sitting on the Courts
The Most Important Election of 2023?: Why Wisconsin’s Supreme Court Election is on the Forefront of the Political Battlegrounds
The Transmogrifier: No, Not Calvin and Hobbes — The Changing Cultural Landscape
A Bit of Recovered Sanity in the UK: British Government Puts Halt to New Scottish Gender Change Law
Redefining Moral Issues as Healthcare Access: Evaluating the New Dictionary of the Sexual Revolutionaries
Worldviews and Ideologies Collide Over Social Media: Meta Grapples with Photography in Cases of Transgender and Non-Binary People
Yet Another Horrifying Video Presented to Americans: Bodycam Footage Released of Tyre Nichols’ Arrest and Beating
Public Opinion, Moral Consensus, and Justice: Theological Considerations of the Memphis Crisis
Mourn with Those with Mourn: Praying for the Mourning and for Gospel Ministry in Memphis
M&Ms Cancels Their Spokescandies: How the Candy Controversy Provides a Window into Our Culture
Strange Business: Why are So Many Corporations Entering the Culture War?
Biden Administration Orders Mail Order Abortion Pills Be Sent Through Mail, Saying No one Knows How They Might Be Used? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
Church of England Will Not Authorize Same-Sex Marriages But Permits Clergy to Bless Same-Sex Unions — This is Moral Cowardice and a Theological Disaster
The Church’s Bishops are Corrupting the Church: There Can Never Be a Middle Way Between Same-Sex Marriage and Orthodox, Biblical Christianity
The End of Parenthood as It is Biblically Defined: Our Society Seeks to Supplant Parental Authority with the Authority of Public Schools
The Right Side of History? Vice President Delivers Pro-Abortion Address in Wake of 50th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
‘We Deserve So Much Better Than Roe’: Pro-Abortion Movement Uses Dobbs Decision to Push for Abortion Rights That Far Exceed Those Brought By Roe
An Icon of The Left Steps Down from Leadership: Jacinda Ardern Resigns as New Zealand’s Prime Minister
Public Schools vs Parental Rights: Educators Assume Right to Affirm a Child’s Trans Identity and Hide it From Parents
Whose Morality? Whose Authority? Educators Claim Moral Imperative to Undermine Parents on Gender Issues
Sign of the Times? Digital Platforms to Ban Gender-based Advertising for Teenagers
Yesterday Marked 50 Years Since the Infamous Roe v. Wade Decision, But How Did That Decision Happen in the First Place?
A Thunderclap Across the U.S. Moral Landscape: Justice Harry Blackman’s Majority Opinion That Led to Abortion on Demand
The Awakening of the Christian American Conscience: The Emergence of the Evangelical Response to Roe v. Wade
‘The State Doesn’t Surrender in the Face of the Mafia’: Italy’s Top Mob Fugitive Captured After 30 Years on the Run
Given His Omniscience and the Occurrence of So Many Miscarriages, Is God the Most Prolific Abortionist? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
Why Did the FDA Change the Packaging of the Morning After Pill? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing