The Share of Christians in the U.S. Has Stabilized? – Pew Releases Updated Findings of Its Religious Landscape Study
Religious People Trend Toward Conservatism: Pew Research Center Affirms Influence of Theology on Political Beliefs
Can Christians Retain Their Own Young People? Christians Face a Big Challenge in a Highly Secular Society That is Capturing More and More Young People
A Denominational Surrender: United Methodist Church Reverses LGBTQ Doctrine and Policy
‘The Practice of Homosexuality is Incompatible with Christian Teaching’: The UMC Just Abandoned This Truth … Without Debate
The Slippery Slope of Women Pastors: The Hermeneutic That Leads to Women Pastors is the Same Hermeneutic That Leads to LGBTQ Inclusion
Will Marijuana Make President Biden Cool? Democrats Look to Court Young Voters by Loosening Drug Classification of Marijuana
Check Your Health Insurance Plan, It Might Fund Transgender Surgeries: Federal Appeals Court Rules Lack of Coverage for 'Gender Reassignment' Surgeries is Discrimination
One If By Land, One If By Sea, One If By Elephant? Determined Indian Voters Will Withstand Sweltering Heat and Creative Travel Arrangements So Over 900 Million Citizens Can Vote
Anti-Semitism in the Name of ‘Free Speech’: Campus Protests Continue at Columbia University and Beyond
The Resurgence of Cultural Marxism on University Campuses: The Worldview Driving the Ideological Left’s Hatred of Israel
Big Money is Fueling Campus Protests — Haven’t You Wondered Why All the Tents Look the Same?
No Immunity? Some Immunity? Total Immunity? The Big Constitutional Questions Being Raised at the Trump Trials Before SCOTUS
Immorality is Not Always Illegality: Complicated Nature of the Charges in Former President Trump’s Trial in New York
A Parable of the Importance of Following Legal Procedure: The Story Behind the Reversal of Harvey Weinstein’s New York Conviction
Jontay Porter Receives Lifetime Ban from the NBA: A Necessary Move by the Commissioner, But Isn’t It a Bit Hypocritical?
The Detrimental Professionalization of College Sports: How Big Money is Changing the Game of Intercollegiate Athletics
Organized Corruption at the Olympics? China’s Swimming Doping Scandal
America’s Elite Campuses Are in Chaos: Columbia University’s Protesting Students Are the Tip of the Leftist Iceberg
Democrats are Going Back to the Future? The Democratic National Convention Faces Tumult in Chicago — And Deserves It
What Exactly are Israel-Protesting College Students Demanding? Nothing Less than the Elimination of Israel
Are Labor Unions Back in the Driver’s Seat? Volkswagen Labor Union Vote Raises Issue of Work in Our Lives and Worldview
Millennials are on a Collision Course with Reality about Retirement: Why the Math Isn’t Adding Up and the the Worldview Dimensions Loom
Every Christian Has a Vocation: The Importance of Work and Calling within the Christian Worldview
An Ancient Hatred Emerges Again: Columbia University is Now Unsafe for Jewish Students
President Biden Creates False Moral Equivalence: The Big Issues Behind His (Incredibly Weak) Condemnation of Anti-Semitism
Columbia University’s President Knows Where the Danger to Her Job Now Lies — And It’s Not from Those on the Right
Biden Administration Chooses Trans ‘Rights’ Over Women’s Rights: Title IX Gets ‘Gender Identity’ Expansion as Protected Class
Will Women Stand Up to the Title IX Change? Rights of Women and Girls Will Be Steamrolled If ‘Gender Identity’ Changes to Title IX Stay in Place
The Sexual Revolution Coming to a Middle School Near You: Federal Appeals Court Rules Trans Student Athlete (Biological Male) Can Compete on the Girls Team
The Stock Market is Not Taking Sides in the 2024 Presidential Election? Economic Conditions are a Lagging Indicator of Moral and Political Terms
‘The Same Lipstick on the Ideological Pig’: How Progressivist Educators are Finding Loopholes in State Sanctions over DEI
How Can Christians Identify with Any Denomination Since Denominations are Not Found in Scripture? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing