The Share of Christians in the U.S. Has Stabilized? – Pew Releases Updated Findings of Its Religious Landscape Study
Religious People Trend Toward Conservatism: Pew Research Center Affirms Influence of Theology on Political Beliefs
Can Christians Retain Their Own Young People? Christians Face a Big Challenge in a Highly Secular Society That is Capturing More and More Young People
The World is Reaching a Catastrophic Fertility Rate: The Huge Demographic Changes Taking Place Before Our Eyes Worldwide
Secularization, Lifestyle Choices, and Complexities of Modernity: The Devastating Causes of the Falling Birth Rates Worldwide
Our Society Has an Increasing Death Impulse: Even After Statewide Abortion Bans, the Abortion Rate Keeps Creeping Up
Same-Sex Marriage Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary: How the Revolutions Over Contraceptives and Divorce Led to the Sexual Revolution and the Attempted Redefinition of Marriage
How Did Our Culture Come to Affirm Same-Sex Marriage? The Moral, Social, and Political Activism That Led to Our Current Cultural Revolution and Moral Shift
Target Tones Down Pride Month Displays: Don’t Be Fooled, This is About Marketing, Not Morality
Nihilism Hits a Wall: Jerry Seinfeld Gets Crossways with the Cultural Left
Where Does the U.S. Stand with Israel Now? Rafah, President Biden’s Comments, and the Intricacies of Israel’s Self-Defense Intermingled with U.S. Interests
U.S. Senator Bob Menendez Corruption Trial Begins with Huge Moral Significance — And His Defense Strategy Includes Blaming It on His Wife
A Preschooler Can See It, Why Not the Rest? The Redefined Family Collides with Mother’s Day
No, a Same-Sex Couple Does Not Have Fertility Issues: Gay Couple in New York Files Claim for Lack of ‘IVF Benefits’
President Biden Threatens Israel’s Ability to Defend Itself: A Block on Arms is a Gift to Hamas
Federal Court Rules Catholic School Has Right to Be Catholic: Huge Win for Religious Freedom as Court Sides with Catholic School’s Firing of Teacher in Same-Sex Marriage
What are Your Most and Least Favorite Aspects of Being President of an Academic Institution? What Advice Do You Have for a Christian with Higher Education Leadership Ambitions? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
My Adult Son Embraced a Sinful Lifestyle and Walked Away from the Lord. Does That Disqualify Me from Ministry? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
Can a Christian Be Scotland’s First Minister (Prime Minister)? The Controversy Over Kate Forbes Reveals the Victory of Secularism
No, Religious Belief and Political Beliefs Cannot Be Separated: Secularists Demand Impossible Task of Casting Theological Beliefs From the Public Square
‘I Had No Idea Within Less Than 3 Minutes I Would Be in Handcuffs’: Faculty Backing Campus Protests Face Reality … a Bit Too Late
Putin 'Elected' President and Inaugurated in Imperial Glory: He Harkens Back to Imperial Past with a Wink and a Nod to Past Dictators as He Wins 5th Term
Russia is Running Out of Money and Soldiers: The Reality of Today’s Russia as Putin Looks to Raise Taxes and Recruit Women for War
France Warms Up to China? Xi Jinping Makes Historic Trip to France as He Attempts to Reshape World Scene
‘I Didn’t Go to School Carrying a Tent’: Campuses Face Blowback from Donors after Protests and Divestment Attempts
Trust Me, You’re a Long Way from the Gulag: Privileged Activist Upset for Being Treated Less Than Privileged as a Disruptor on Columbia’s Campus
It Was a Total LGBTQ Victory: History Will Record that the United Methodist General Conference Was a Comprehensive Capitulation to Theological Revisionism
Right Motivation, Misguided Legislation: The House Votes to Pass the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act
Legislation Has Intended and Unintended Consequences: The Major Concerns of the Potential Fallout of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act
A ‘Professional Agitator’ on Liberal Campus? The People of the Left Protesting on Campuses Include More Than Students
Abortion and the Tale of Two States: Florida’s 6-Week Abortion Ban Takes Effect As Arizona Repeals 1864 Abortion Ban
Communist Cuba Flirts with Capitalism? Free Market, Human Flourishing, and the Failures of Communism
Why the Paucity of Evangelicals on the Supreme Court? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing