SCOTUS Takes Up Conversion Therapy Case from Colorado: There is More to the Case Than Many Admit — Including a Word Game to Target Christian Conviction
‘My Passport Denies My Existence’: Watch This Language Game and Recognize It
‘My Passport Denies My Existence’: Evaluating the Backlash to the Effects of Trump’s Executive Order on Gender
Colorado once again targets cake baker Jack Phillips, falling for trap set by sexual revolutionaries
How abolishing the death penalty undermines justice and leads to a further devaluing of human life
Who has the ultimate authority? USA Today gets right to the real issue behind the death penalty debate
New, expanding wave of sexual abuse allegations rocks Roman Catholic Church
Lessons from Willow Creek: What we must learn from the mishandling of sexual misconduct allegations at one of America’s largest protestant churches
It tells us something about human nature that human beings will gamble on just about anything, including opera
In the great battle of worldviews, the United States now competes with China for the attention and ambition of emerging nations
As Xi Jinping’s power expands, Christians and Muslims in China see their freedoms shrink
In an increasingly secular age, the only churches that will survive are those that are distinctively Christian
Questions remain after tragic human drama plays out in the air over Seattle
One year after deadly confrontation in Charlottesville, Christians must be very clear that biblical Christianity is incompatible with any claim of racial superiority
Why we should be careful with our language when using the terms ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ to describe the different ideological sides in partisan politics
Andy Stanley, once again, makes an argument that subverts the authority of Scripture and casts doubt upon biblical Christianity
A problem for feminists in Germany? Why the German language threatens the deeply ingrained trajectory in German culture
The moral consequences of social media: Is what we grew out of in high school now what we lean into on Twitter?
Another collision between religious liberty and sexual liberty: Lawsuit filed against University of Iowa for expelling Christian student group
What’s missing from the coverage of Hollywood’s failure to make progress on diversity?
The sexual revolution consumes its own: What we can learn from the backlash to Scarlett Johansson’s casting in, then withdrawal from, transgender role
A society that argues some have the right to demand their death will eventually argue that all have the right to demand that very death, even the youngest
Separating the real from the ideal: How a corruption of human beauty becomes a huge problem
One of the bloodiest weekends in the history of Chicago represents a challenge to all Christians in all places
The self as the center of the universe: How the language of addiction has replaced the language of theology in our modern secular society
Experts remain unconvinced as World Health Organization identifies new internet gaming disorder
A sign of the times: Videogame parents open their wallets, hire coaches in pursuit of competitive edge
Vatican changes church teaching, says the death penalty is unacceptable in all circumstances
Does doctrine change? Understanding the fundamental divide between Catholics and Protestants when it comes to the development of doctrine
After cave rescue, theology is in the headlines as Thai boys become temporary monks, apologize to parents