SCOTUS Takes Up Conversion Therapy Case from Colorado: There is More to the Case Than Many Admit — Including a Word Game to Target Christian Conviction
‘My Passport Denies My Existence’: Watch This Language Game and Recognize It
‘My Passport Denies My Existence’: Evaluating the Backlash to the Effects of Trump’s Executive Order on Gender
Hurricane Florence and the limits of meteorological projection: Why it’s an exercise in human hubris to think we would ever fully understand a storm
Are hurricanes acts of God or signs of climate change? Your answer will depend on your worldview
Rebranding the pro-abortion movement: Why it’s significant that Planned Parenthood named a doctor as its new president
Even in an increasingly secular age, most voters look for politicians to acknowledge something beyond politics
The modern cult of fitness: Why physical activities are a poor substitute for spiritual realities
In a world filled with people created in God’s image, no worldview, no culture, and no individual exists as an island
Is America becoming more or less concerned about the abuse and exploitation of women?
Moral confusion in the MeToo era: As Playboy reopens Manhattan club, corporate titan Les Moonves is ousted for sexual abuse
Why only human sinfulness and the fall can explain the trend toward objectification and sexualization
As the surveillance state in China expands, Communist Party in China detains, re-educates Uighur Muslims
If you want to know what Marxism really looks like, just ask Christians in Beijing
The Kavanaugh consternation: Political left makes it clear that their ideal judge is one with no background, no ideas, and no experience
The transgender revolution: Could ‘gender dysphoria’ actually be fueled by social contagion?
When an academic controversy is not merely academic: The real life implications of a controversy over scientific research and transgender youth
A clash of worldviews in India: Why the Christian and Hindu definitions of “nature” go deeper than the law
Why it should tell us a great deal that the leading headlines of this week have not been about the Kavanaugh hearings
As America heads into uncharted waters, responsibility, rather than irresponsibility, is more important than ever
Is all politics still local? What a political upset in Massachusetts tells us about America's political trajectory
Why the divide is much deeper than liberal and conservative when it comes to interpreting the law
Precedent, super-precedent, and settled law: Understanding the code language behind the effort to protect abortion rights
Should we eliminate summer break? Why such an effort will struggle to gain any political traction
How the politicization of Supreme Court nominees has reached points we couldn’t have imagined just a decade ago
From the left or the right, why the issues we face are too fundamental to be settled with a third way
Politics, animal style: In 2018, even our burgers have been politicized
The sexual revolutionaries have learned this truth: If you can change the language, you can change the entire society
As sex education begins at age 4 in the Netherlands, an entire transformation of moral reality is underway
Why sex education must deal with moral questions and can never merely be about anatomy and physiology