Trump’s Two-Gender Policy Makes It to the Department of Health and Human Services – And That Starts at the Top with Secretary Kennedy
Jackie, Shadow, and Their 3 Chicks: The Glory of God in Creation Evident in the Lives of a Bald Eagle Family
Can You Solve a Doctrinal Dispute Between Me and My Boyfriend About Following Your Heart? — Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letter from a 19-Year-Old Listener of The Briefing
We are About to Find Out What Vladimir Putin Really Wants: If Putin Wants Peace, He Will Accept the Ceasefire Accepted by Ukraine as Presented by the U.S.
Russia Will Continue to be a Threatening Force on the World Scene – For Reasons Deeply Rooted in History, Geography, and Civilizational Patterns
SCOTUS Takes Up Conversion Therapy Case from Colorado: There is More to the Case Than Many Admit — Including a Word Game to Target Christian Conviction
Christians Must Point All Sinners to Christ, the Gospel, Holy Scripture, Sanctification, and Holiness — And Christ Alone is the Remedy For Our Sin
Politics, Pageantry, and Partisanship: Made for TV Moments and Breaches of Decorum Highlight Last Night’s State of the Union Address
Election Meltdown in Iowa: First Caucus Results Finally Come In, But Are the Results Even the Biggest Story Now?
Pete Stark, the First Member of Congress to Publicly Acknowledge He Did Not Believe in God, Dies at 88: Why Are There So Few (Openly) Secular Politicians?
Iowans Gathered to Caucus Last Night, But What Does That Mean? How Does the Caucus Process Work?
Setting the Stage for Tonight’s State of the Union Address: Why Do Presidents Give a State of the Union Address?
The Formality of Government on Display During the State of the Union Address: A Powerful Reminder that America’s Constitutional Government Continues
World Health Organization Declares Coronavirus a Public Health Emergency: How China’s Autocratic Rule and Wet Markets Led to the Threat of a Pandemic
Britain Officially Leaves the European Union: National Sovereignty and the Danger of the Administrative State
Iowa Caucuses Take Place Today: What Message, If Any, Will Iowans Send as the First Votes Are Cast in the 2020 Presidential Election?
The Arena, the Activist, and the Irony: The LGBTQ Revolution Just Can’t Keep Up with Itself
What Unites L, G, B, T, and Q? A Rebellion Against the Order of Creation and the Law of God
Parental Rights Threatened in Wales: Why Are So Many Parents Celebrating the Denial of Their Parental Rights?
The Central Moral Scar of the 20th Century: Implications for 21st Century Christians 75 Years after Auschwitz
Natural Evil, Moral Evil, and the Judgment of God: When Faced with Great Evil, Christians Must Put Their Trust in the Justice of God
Amusing Ourselves to Death, Revisited: Over 500 Scripted Television Series Aired in 2019
Why Do Humans Love Babies? Evolutionists and Christians Answer the Question Differently
Father’s Quick Action Rescues Son from Mountain Lion Attack: Why? Big Worldview Implications Lurk in the Headlines
16? 18? 21? 25? Never? When Do Humans Really Become Adults? It’s Actually an Urgent Question
The Death of NBA Icon Kobe Bryant: Understanding Multiple Layers of Grief in the Aftermath of the Death of a Superstar
President Trump Becomes First President to Speak in Person at the March for Life: Why Have Other Pro-Life Presidents Not Addressed the Annual March?
Trump Administration Backs Up Appearance at March for Life with Significant Pro-Life Action: There Is No Middle Position Between Life and Death
Coronavirus Spreads in China as Government Quarantines 25 Million People: Echoes of Plagues Past, Present, and Future
Apocalypse Coming: The Doomsday Clock Reminds Us That Humans Share a God-Given Sense of a Coming Reckoning
Christopher Tolkien Dies at 95: Remembering the Beloved Son, Youngest Inkling, and Faithful Steward of Middle Earth
Is the Impeachment Trial Just about Gaining Votes? The Political Nature of the Trial on Full Display in Yesterday’s Proceedings
47 Years after Roe v. Wade: A Sobering Look at the Deadly and Contagious Logic of the Central Sacrament of the Sexual Revolution
Surrender Isn’t Enough for the Moral Revolution: In the Wake of an Advertising Controversy, CEO of Hallmark Channel Is Out