Does the U.S. Have the Determination to Defend Itself? The ‘Test Case’ of Mahmoud Khalil at Columbia University
Which Faculty at Columbia University Support Its Campus Protests? The Unveiling of the Worldview Divide Between Higher Education Faculty Departments
What Kind of Society Allows for Subversive Acts Against Its Own Existence? Western Civilization Cannot Survive If It Does Not Defend Itself
Desperate, Despicable, and Dangerous: Chuck Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Over Abortion Case
This Isn’t the Diversity the Democrats Envisioned in 2020: After the Exits of Bloomberg and Warren, the Race is Down to Sanders and Biden
Why Are Beards Back? A Sign of the Creation Order Showing Up in an Age of Confusion
The Culture of Death Reclaims Ground in Germany: A Renewed Threat to Human Life as German Court Overturns Ban on Euthanasia
Remembering the Horrors of Euthanasia in the Nazi Medical Establishment: A Warning Against the Deadly Concept of “Life Unworthy of Life”
Television as a Driving Agent of Moral Change: Modern America Explained by the Work of Fred Silverman, Gene Reynolds, and Norman Lear
One Big Winner and Two Big Losers from Super Tuesday: Breaking Down Yesterday’s Stunning Results
America’s Predictable Worldview Divide: Whether You Live Near Whole Foods or Cracker Barrel Often Correlates to How You Vote
Supreme Court Hears Important Abortion Case from Louisiana Today: Tellingly, the Pro-Abortion Side Fully Understands What’s at Stake
Today’s No Ordinary Tuesday, It’s Super Tuesday: The Establishment of the Primary System and the Unintended Consequences of Early Voting
The Democratic Field Shrinks Again as Amy Klobuchar Ends Campaign: Then Klobuchar, Buttigieg, and O'Rourke Endorse Former VP Joe Biden
The First Real Test of Michael Bloomberg’s Candidacy: Can a Billionaire Manager Win (Buy) the White House?
The Fragility of Political Momentum: Biden Wins Big in South Carolina, But Can He Back Up His Victory on Super Tuesday?
Pete Buttigieg and Tom Steyer End Presidential Campaigns: Why the First Openly Gay Presidential Candidate Wasn’t Liberal Enough for the Democratic Party
The United States and the Taliban Sign a Deal to End Conflict in Afghanistan: The Necessity of the Right Foundation in Building a Free Society
Polyamory in Evangelical Headlines? A Signal We Can’t Miss and a Challenge We Can’t Avoid
The Development of a New Blacklist: L.A. Election Gives a Glimpse Into How the Moral Revolution Marches On
Looking to the Stars for Life’s Meaning? Astrological Charts Are All Wrong . . . But Astrology Never Really Was about the Stars, Was It?
Coronavirus Threatens 2020 Olympics and Global Market: A Reminder of the Fragility of Human Life and Experience
Two Significant Pro-Life Bills Fail in the Senate This Week: A Revealing Roll Call on Late-Term Abortion and Infanticide
How Much Is at Stake in the 2020 Elections? Why the Battle for the Federal Courts Is a Defining Issue for Both Parties in 2020
Ground Zero for Religious Liberty in the Coming Years: Supreme Court Decides to Hear Important Religious Liberty Case from Philadelphia
The Rapid Change of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals: Elections Have Consequences, Especially for the Federal Courts
Why Hasn’t a Single Democratic Candidate Released a List of Names for Supreme Court Consideration? Elections Are Always a Collision of Worldviews
Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty of Two Felony Sex Crimes: How Weinstein’s Trial Serves as a Testament to the Rule of Law
BYU Changes Honor Code to Allow Same Sex Behavior . . . Or Does It? BYU’s Intentional Ambiguity Is a Warning for Evangelical Institutions
George Coyne, Former Director of Vatican Observatory, Dies at 87: The Incompatibility of a Materialistic, Scientific Worldview and Biblical Christianity
Bernie Sanders, Avowed Democratic Socialist, Wins Nevada Caucus in a Landslide: A Reshaping of the American Political Map
The Fastest Moral Change in a Civilization in History: How the LGBTQ Revolution Pushed Its Morality Through Society in a Decade
Female Sports or the Transgender Revolution? An Inevitable Collision Now Moves to Court in Connecticut