Moral earthquakes, like earthquakes of the geophysical variety, most often occur suddenly and without warning. At one moment, the moral argument is framed in conventional and familiar ways. Just an instant later, all is changed. An article that appea ...
Is our postmodern, postindustrial society simply better suited to women than to men? Hanna Rosin makes the case for this claim in the current issue of The Atlantic, and her article demands close attention. Men, she argues, are simply falling behind w ...
Elisabeth Badinter recently published a new book that has swept across France: Le conflit la femme et la mere. Translated as "Conflict: The Woman and The Mother," the book makes the argument that the greatest impediment to the advance of feminism is ...
With Mother's Day fast approaching and the culture rapidly changing, Dr. Mohler asks an important question on today's program. How has motherhood changed? In a society that has clearly lost its way in its thinking about the different roles of fathe ...
We all first met him when he wrote his provocative book, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye." Since then, Josh Harris has written several books including his latest, "Dug Down Deep." On today's show, Dr. Mohler sits down with this influential pastor and auth ...
The tragic sinkings of the two ships Titantic and Lusitania reveal two very different stories. On the Titantic, many men gave up their seats for women and children. This was not the case on the Lusitania. In today’s post-modern culture, the tradit ...
The scenario is well known, and the story still haunts the modern mind. The great ocean liner that was built as unsinkable struck an iceberg on April 14, 1912 and sank early the next morning, taking 1,517 of 2,223 lives on board. The RMS Titanic beca ...
Whatever happened to being seen but not heard? Diana West asks that question in a recent essay, noting that there has been a massive shift in Western culture away from adult authority and toward the "wise child." All around us are signs that authorit ...
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