
Friday, March 14, 2025

March 14, 2025

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The Briefing

The Budget Debate, Revealed... Philadelphia Orchestra Makes Bankruptcy Move... When Publicists Say 'Shh!'... First homosexual caveman found ...

April 19, 2011

Throwing the Bible Under the Bus

In his 1996 novel, In the Beauty of the Lilies, John Updike told of the Reverend Clarence Arthur Wilmot, the fictional pastor of New York's Fourth Presbyterian Church, who stopped believing in God one day in 1910. On that day, the Rev. Wilmot "felt t ...

April 19, 2011

The Briefing

The Libya Stalemate... Obama announces framework for cutting deficit by $4 trillion over 12 years... A war of attrition on Capitol Hill... In Budget's Fine Print, Real and Illusory Cuts... Wall Street and the Financial Crisis: Anatomy of a Financial ...

April 15, 2011

“A Massive Shift Coming in What it Means to Be a Christian?” — TIME Magazine Considers Rob Bell

The edition of TIME magazine timed for Easter Week features a cover story on the controversy over Rob Bell and his new book, Love Wins. Interestingly, the essay is written by none other than Jon Meacham, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and former e ...

April 15, 2011

The Briefing

Fights brew on abortion rights... Who's the Extremist Now?... Puberty too soon... Parents decry marketers who push sexuality on little girls... Why Do We Let Them Dress Like That?... Fighting Teenage Pregnancy With MTV Stars as Exhibit A ...

April 14, 2011

Scientific Extremism on Display — And the Prize Goes To . . .

Last week, Britain's Astronomer Royal, Lord Martin Rees, was announced as the recipient of the 2011 Templeton Prize. The prize, awarded annually, provides a cash award greater than the Nobel Prize and is presented, according to the Templeton Foundati ...

April 14, 2011

The Briefing

Late Clash on Abortion Shows Conservatives' Sway... Abortion and the Shutdown... Taliban Seen Stirring Mob to Violence in Afghanistan... Voodoo, an Anchor, Rises Again ...

April 11, 2011

Why is the Muslim World So Resistant to the Gospel?

The future shape of the world appears to be a worldview competition between Christianity, Islam, and Western Secularism. For Christians, both of these worldviews represent real and lasting challenges to evangelism. Neither of these is a particularly ...

April 8, 2011

The Briefing

Federal Workers Brace for Email Withdrawal... Berlusconi Sex Trial Begins... The Only Game in Town? Richard Dawkins and the Limits of Reason... Rinse Not the Prose: Christopher Hitchens on the King James Version... Manual High students' project raise ...

April 8, 2011

What He Wanted All Along: The Real Scandal of Pastor Terry Jones

The case of Florida pastor Terry Jones presents Christians with an easy judgment but a difficult dilemma. This publicity-seeking pastor of a tiny congregation deserves to be condemned in every way for his act of putting the Qur'an "on trial" and f ...

April 8, 2011

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