Why does same-sex marriage make sense to so many people? The momentum toward the full legalization of same-sex marriage seems to intensify with every passing month -- or even faster. The moral divide in this nation is now seen most clearly in the dis ...
In Turnabout, U.S. Says Marriage Act Blocks Gay Rights... Reversal on Gay Marriage... Obama Changes Course on Defense of Marriage Act... Religious Groups React to New View of Marriage... Mr. Obama Moves Against Bias... Senator Calls for Ban on Nevada ...
In Turnabout, U.S. Says Marriage Act Blocks Gay Rights... WikiLeaks Cables Detail Qaddafi Family's Exploits... The young parents who run Britain ...
Attorney General Eric Holder informed Congress yesterday that President Obama had ordered the Department of Justice to cease all efforts to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in the courts. The announcement came without public warning, even as the ad ...
Iran Uses Force Against Protests as Region Erupts... George W. Bush's Liberal Legacy... Wanted: A Grand Strategy for America... Yemeni Protests Continue For Fifth Day... In Cramped Japan, the iPad Is the Home Library... Gay church 'marriages' set to ...
Person of the Year 2010... Texas: Atheist and Religious Bus Ads Banned in City... Why the Marriage gap is bad for America... Which Languages should Liberal Arts be about in 2010?... And In France, Civil Unions gain favor over Marriage ...
A look back on Pearl Harbor.. A Retreat from Marriage... Noah's Ark... And Tax Cuts ...
If you were determined to consign a population to poverty and any number of social pathologies, how might you do it? If your design is to extend the effects of these pathologies and pains to successive generations, what might be your plan? The answer ...
"When an institution so central to human experience suddenly changes shape in the space of a generation or two, it's worth trying to figure out why." Belinda Luscombe of TIME magazine made that observation in the course of reporting on a major study ...
Who needs Marriage? A Changing Institution... Reflections on Loss and Acceptance from those swept out of Congress... Christmas marketing started in October... Colonel Roosevelt... Autobiography of Mark Twain... And Scientists propose one-way trips to ...