In case you haven’t caught on, here’s how the world now works. If you want major attention and applause from the cultural left and its influencers, of...
1. New Mexico court to decide marriage "once and for all." Really? New Mexico Justices to Rule on Gay Marriage, New York Times (Fernanda Santos) 2. 13 year old boy shot and killed by deputies in San Francisco for carrying toy gun Boy, 13, C ...
1. Constitutional Crisis: judges legalizing same-sex marriage with no provisions for religious organizations New Jersey court agrees to allow same-sex marriage Monday, Washington Times (Cheryl Wetzstein) 4 same-sex couples file lawsuit in Tenn ...
1. New Jersey court legalizes same-sex marriage immediately, without a vote New Jersey same-sex marriages can begin Monday, state Supreme Court rules, The Washington Post (Aaron Blake and Juliet Eilperin) 2. Saudi Arabia gains a seat on the U. ...
1) Words matter - Malaysian court restricts word "Allah" to Muslims Only Muslims Can Call God 'Allah', Malaysian Court Says, Time (Charlotte Alter) 2) Calling homosexuality a sin is now a sin Rev. Gary Hall of the National Cathedral: Being ...
1) Debt deal another exercise in artificial politics At 11th Hour, G.O.P. Blinks in Standoff, New York Times (Jonathan Weisman and Jennifer Steinhauer) Senate Leaders Reach Bipartisan Deal, Wall Street Journal (Kristina Peterson and Janet Hook ...
1. New York Times Editors give their opinion on how Supreme Court should rule The Supreme Court Returns, New York Times (Editorial Board) 2. Originalism, Textualism, and Theology in Scalia's historic interview In Conversation With Antonin S ...
Former President George H. W. Bush and his wife Barbara attended a wedding a few days ago, and it made national news. According to The Washington Post, the elder Bushes attended the wedding of Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen, held at Kennebunkpor ...
1) Obamacare one of the most significant and morally complicated pieces of legislation in history Birth Control and a Boss’s Religious Views, New York Times (Editorial) 2) World leaders cannot be understood without understanding their worldview ...
1) The pseudo-event: Government functioning by threatening not to function Government Heads Toward Shutdown, Wall Street Journal (Janet Hook and Kristina Peterson) House pushes U.S. to the edge of a shutdown, Washington Post (Lori Montgomery, P ...
1) Real crisis isn't looming fed shutdown - real crisis is unwillingness to deal with economic problems House G.O.P. Leaders List Conditions for Raising Debt Ceiling, New York Times (Jonathan Weisman and Ashley Parker) Boehner Weighs GOP Option ...