In case you haven’t caught on, here’s how the world now works. If you want major attention and applause from the cultural left and its influencers, of...
1) Bothered by sex outside of heterosexual marriage? Cultural elites say you just need to "deal with it" Sex Is Not Our Problem, New York Times (Charles M. Blow) 2) Next frontier in fertility treatment? Transgender men. The Next Frontier in ...
1. Federal judge in Oklahoma lifts ban on same-sex marriage but puts a hold on own decision Federal judge rules Oklahoma's same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional, Washington Post (Juliet Eilperin) 2. President of Nigeria bans same-sex marriage ...
1. Utah at the center of marriage battle as polygamy becomes "the next frontier" Polygamy as Lifestyle Choice, and a Reality TV Brand, New York Times (John Schwartz) Thanks to the 'Sister Wives' lawsuit and the end of morality laws, Washingto ...
1. Same Sex Marriage in 2013: A Review On sex, drugs and spying: The surprises of 2013, USA Today (Susan Page) Justices' Halt to Gay Marriage Leaves Utah Couples in Limbo, New York Times (Adam Liptak and Jack Healy) 2. Little Sisters of th ...
1. Extreme cold moves across the Midwest Deep South braces for deep freeze as brutal cold grips the Midwest, CNN (Holly Yan and Joe Sutton) 2. Boy Scouts started allowing gay members first of the year Scouting's incomplete Evolution, New ...
This is the final Briefing of 2013. Dr. Mohler will be back January 6, 2014. We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Thanks for listening! 1) Duck Dynasty controversy isn't over style - it's over substance What the Duck?, GQ Magazin ...
1) Pope Francis: TIME Person of the Year Pope Francis, The People’s Pope, TIME (Howard Chua-Eoan and Elizabeth Dias) 2) Despite the "Francis Effect," how much has really changed? The Catholics Still in Exile, New York Times (Frank Bruni) ...
1) Sandy Hook one year later - The answer to "Why?" may not be answered in this life Newtown Far From a Catalyst for Gun Control, Boston Globe (Brian MacQuarrie) Newtown: Striving for 'New Normal' a Year Later, USA Today (Gary Stoller) The S ...
1) The ascendance of hard-line liberal left against moderate Democrats With Filibuster Threat Gone, Senate Confirms Two Presidential Nominees, New York Times (Jeremy W. Peters) Coalition of Liberals Strikes Back at Criticism From Centrist Democ ...
1) Would higher minimum wage really lead to the greatest human flourishing? No one really knows. Obama throws support to minimum wage movement in economy speech, The Guardian (Paul Lewis) 5 Facts About the Minimum Wage, Pew Research Center (Dre ...