In case you haven’t caught on, here’s how the world now works. If you want major attention and applause from the cultural left and its influencers, of...
UPDATE [March 26, 2014] The President of World Vision U.S. announced today that the Board of Directors has reversed its decision and would return to its previous policy that affirms sexual abstinence for all unmarried employees and defines marriage a ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Politically active judges are not responding to Supreme Court decisions, but anticipating them Federal Judge Strikes Down Michigan’s Ban on Same-Sex Marriage, New York Times (Erik Eckholm) For Gay Couples in Michigan, a Day of J ...
Delivered as a seminar at the 2014 Shepherd's Conference. For more information about the Shepherd's Conference, please visit ...
Fred Phelps is dead. The fire-and-brimstone preacher, who for many years was pastor of the institution known as Westboro Baptist Church, died late Wednesday in a hospice in Topeka, Kansas. The announcement was made on his church’s website. The wordin ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Fred Phelps Sr’s life was one of the most bitter and harmful to gospel in modern history Fred Phelps Sr., leader of Westboro Baptist Church, dies at 84, Washington Post (Adam Bernstein) How Should Gays Eulogize Fred P ...
1) St. Patrick's Day Parade: Homosexuals don't just demand participation, but celebration Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast Breaks Barriers, but Its Parade Does Not, New York Times (Katharine Q. Seelye) Guinness Withdraws Sponsorship of St. ...
1) Should Christians shelter young children from homosexual friends and relatives? 2) What are your thoughts about J.R.R. Tolkien's writings and who is your favorite character? 3) Which preacher or theologian has had the most profound impact on ...
1) Millennials in Adulthood report: Only 26% married as they reach adulthood Millennial in Adulthood: Detached from Institutions, Networked with Friends, Pew Research Center Half of millennials more likely to lean Democratic, Associated Press ...
1. Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood President, says "life begins at delivery" Cecile Richards on When Life Begins, Fusion Planned Parenthood president: Start of life not ‘really relevant’ to abortion discussions, Washington Times (Douglas ...
1) We may lose the marriage argument with the culture, but we're in trouble if we lose it with our kids A Shifting Landscape, Public Religion Research Institute Survey: Americans turn sharply favorable on gay issues, Religion News Services (Cat ...