Podcast Transcript 1)”Never Again” reflecting on Rwandan genocide 20 years after 20 years after the genocide, Rwanda is a beacon of hope, The Guardian (Tony Blair) France Curtails Role at Genocide Services After Rwanda Leader Casts Blame, ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Mozilla CEO ouster clear example of scale and velocity of moral revolution Why Mozilla’s Chief Had to Resign, New York Times (Farhad Manjoo) Mozilla’s Gay-Marriage Purge, Bloomberg View (Ramesh Ponnuru) 2) Endorsement of s ...
Podcast Transcript 1) CEO of Mozilla resigns amid outrage over 2008 Proposition 8 donation Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich to Step Down, Wall Street Journal (John Kell) Mozilla’s Chief Felled by View on Gay Unions, New York Times (Nick Bilton and N ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Same-sex marriage legal in United Kingdom as Anglican church drops opposition Same-sex marriage now legal as first couples wed, BBC Get used to gay marriage, Philip Hammond tells Tory critics, The Telegraph (Christopher ...
Podcast Transcript 1) World Vision claims they haven’t taken a side on same-sex marriage, but they have World Vision: Why We’re Hiring Gay Christians in Same-Sex Marriages, Christianity Today (Celeste Gracey and Jeremy Weber) 2) Sacrifice ...
UPDATE [March 26, 2014] The President of World Vision U.S. announced today that the Board of Directors has reversed its decision and would return to its previous policy that affirms sexual abstinence for all unmarried employees and defines marriage a ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Politically active judges are not responding to Supreme Court decisions, but anticipating them Federal Judge Strikes Down Michigan’s Ban on Same-Sex Marriage, New York Times (Erik Eckholm) For Gay Couples in Michigan, a Day of J ...
Delivered as a seminar at the 2014 Shepherd's Conference. For more information about the Shepherd's Conference, please visit www.ShepherdsConference.org ...
Fred Phelps is dead. The fire-and-brimstone preacher, who for many years was pastor of the institution known as Westboro Baptist Church, died late Wednesday in a hospice in Topeka, Kansas. The announcement was made on his church’s website. The wordin ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Fred Phelps Sr’s life was one of the most bitter and harmful to gospel in modern history Fred Phelps Sr., leader of Westboro Baptist Church, dies at 84, Washington Post (Adam Bernstein) How Should Gays Eulogize Fred P ...