What is that makes a boy become a man? Is it the accoutrements he purchases or the people he associates with? While some external factors make a difference in rearing a young man, boys don’t become men by dousing themselves with strong smelling deo ...
Whatever happened to being seen but not heard? Diana West asks that question in a recent essay, noting that there has been a massive shift in Western culture away from adult authority and toward the "wise child." All around us are signs that authorit ...
New research reveals that children are always digitally on. The Kaiser Family Foundation has just released a new study on the online lives of children and teenagers, and the statistics are simply astounding. America's children and teenagers are now ...
Does age matter when dealing with moral accountability? Governments are often faced with deciding how society should punish both the young and the old for wrongs they have committed. The conversation becomes very difficult when dealing with the cas ...
Clothing makes a statement, and if The New York Times is any indicator of where the culture is headed, clothing is speaking loudly. According to a recent article by Jan Hoffman, high schools are forced to tackle gender issues of a new magnitude: boy ...
Hilary Stout of the New York Times has recently written a piece on parenting titled “For Some Parents, Shouting is the New Spanking.” Why has shouting at children become a common form of discipline for parents? When shouting becomes the norm, parents ...
Banned Books Week is this week in America, trying to draw attention to the dangers of limiting access to all types of information. But are books really being banned in America? Certainly not. The American Library Association’s problem actually fal ...
Good parenting involves genuinely loving your child. But what happens when loving a little one turns into an obsession, putting the child first in every circumstance and neglecting necessary discipline? Is it possible to love your child too much? ...
New Zealand has voted on a referendum on their law against spanking. The verdict? Parents in New Zealand want the right to spank their children when they are in need of discipline. Scripture encourages parents to discipline their children for their o ...
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