
Friday, February 28, 2025

February 28, 2025

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The Briefing 10-25-13

1. New Mexico court to decide marriage "once and for all." Really?  New Mexico Justices to Rule on Gay Marriage, New York Times (Fernanda Santos) 2. 13 year old boy shot and killed by deputies in San Francisco for carrying toy gun Boy, 13, C ...

October 25, 2013

Falling on Deaf Ears?—Why So Many Churches Hear So Little of the Bible

“It is well and good for the preacher to base his sermon on the Bible, but he better get to something relevant pretty quickly, or we start mentally to check out.” That stunningly clear sentence reflects one of the most amazing, tragic, and lamentable ...

October 14, 2013

Preaching with Authority: Three Characteristics of Expository Preaching

Authentic expository preaching is marked by three distinct characteristics: authority, reverence, and centrality. Expository preaching is authoritative because it stands upon the very authority of the Bible as the word of God. Such preaching requires ...

September 6, 2013

The Briefing 08-27-13

1. Chemical weapons in Syria prove to be "uncivilized, barbarian, rogue"  Secretary Kerry's remarks on Syria, Washington Post Syria's Gas Attack on Civilization, Wall Street Journal (Andrew Roberts) 2. Compromising personal morality now the ...

August 27, 2013

The Sheer Weightlessness of So Many Sermons—Why Expository Preaching Matters

If preaching is central to Christian worship, what kind of preaching are we talking about? The sheer weightlessness of much contemporary preaching is a severe indictment of our superficial Christianity. When the pulpit ministry lacks substance, the c ...

August 21, 2013

Expository Preaching—The Antidote to Anemic Worship

Evangelical Christians have been especially attentive to worship in recent years, sparking a renaissance of thought and conversation on what worship really is and how it should be done. Even if this renewed interest has unfortunately resulted in what ...

August 19, 2013

Has God Called You? Discerning the Call to Preach

Has God called you to ministry? Though all Christians are called to serve the cause of Christ, God calls certain persons to serve the Church as pastors and other ministers. Writing to young Timothy, the Apostle Paul confirmed that if a man aspires to ...

July 19, 2013

Of First Importance: The Cross and Resurrection at the Center

The Christian faith is not a mere collection of doctrines — a bag of truths. Christianity is a comprehensive truth claim that encompasses every aspect of revealed doctrine, but is centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ. And, as the apostolic preachin ...

March 29, 2013

The Briefing 03-21-13

Story 1 - "Shame" is necessary, but is it moving in a liberal direction? Shame Is Not a Four-Letter Word, New York Times (Richard V. Reeves) Story 2 - Lent for the narcissist A Religious Ritual Attracts Even Nonbelievers, New York Times ( ...

March 21, 2013

The Devil is in the Details: Biblical Inerrancy and the Licona Controversy

The affirmation of biblical inerrancy is nothing more, and nothing less, than the affirmation of the Bible's total truthfulness and trustworthiness. The assertion of the Bible's inerrancy -- that the Bible is "free from all falsehood or mistake" -- i ...

September 14, 2011

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