
Friday, September 6, 2024

September 6, 2024

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Bible Archives

The Briefing

2 Earthquakes in Spain Kill 10, Injure Dozens... Following Jesus While Rejecting the Bible? Yet Another Tragedy in Mainline Protestantism... Marines get trained on accepting gay recruits... Navy revokes guidance allowing military chaplains to perform ...

May 12, 2011

The Briefing

Nails Used to Crucify Jesus May Have Been Found, Filmmaker Says... Throwing the Bible Under the Bus... Reliable Tally of Gay Population Proves Elusive... California May Require Teaching of Gay History... U.N. Court Convicts Two Croatian Generals of W ...

April 20, 2011

Throwing the Bible Under the Bus

In his 1996 novel, In the Beauty of the Lilies, John Updike told of the Reverend Clarence Arthur Wilmot, the fictional pastor of New York's Fourth Presbyterian Church, who stopped believing in God one day in 1910. On that day, the Rev. Wilmot "felt t ...

April 19, 2011

Rinse Not the Prose: Christopher Hitchens on the King James Version

Why would an ardent atheist care about translations of the Bible, and why would Christians be concerned with what an atheist would think? These are rather obvious questions, especially when the atheist is Christopher Hitchens, one of the most influen ...

April 7, 2011

The Briefing

What the Bible Really Says About Sex...Really?... Paper Trail... Elton Remembers... You'll Work Longer ...

February 10, 2011

The Briefing

What the Bible Really Says About Sex... Betting on News, AOL Is Buying The Huffington Post... Reformist German theologians call to let priests marry... The Siege of Planned Parenthood... Porn industry healthcare clinic is back in business under new o ...

February 9, 2011

What the Bible Really Says About Sex . . . Really?

Has the church misunderstood the Bible's teachings on sexuality for over two thousand years? The current issue of Newsweek magazine reports on "new scholarship on the Good Book's naughty bits" that is supposed to turn our understanding of the Bible's ...

February 9, 2011

The Briefing

Warning Against Hasty Exit for Mubarak... Afghan Rights Fall Short for Christian Converts... Public Drawn to Choice by Giffords's Husband... The New Atheism and the Dogma of Darwinism... What the Bible Really Says About Sex ...

February 8, 2011

Who’s Afraid of Noah’s Ark?

A proposal to build a theme park that would feature a life-size replica of Noah's Ark has set off a controversy in Kentucky that is worth watching. Within days, the controversy had spread to the pages of The New York Times and USA Today. So, who's a ...

December 7, 2010

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