A Protestant Christmas: How Protestants Came to Celebrate the Incarnation of Christ as Christmas
How Do We Understand Promise and Fulfillment in Matthew’s Use of Hosea 11:1? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
In Light of Jesus’s Fulfillment of the Law, Are Christians Still Required to Keep the Mosaic Law? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
Why Do We Not Sing More Hymns About the Incarnation Throughout the Year, Like We Do with the Resurrection? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
Can a Baby Fuss Without Sin? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letter from a (Probably Sleep-Deprived) Listener to The Briefing
If Jesus was Born on Christmas, How Was He Around While Adam and Eve Lived? — Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letter from a 6-Year-Old Listener to The Briefing
How Should Christians Celebrate Christmas While Also Separating It From Any Pagan Origins? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
PART I Virtue signaling and moral messaging at the Golden Globes
PART II Why are teenagers so attracted to dystopian fiction?
PART III Secular advice to reform moral character
PART IV Major American newspaper tells parents to celebrate when their children learn how to lie
PART I 2018 is going to be a pivotal year on the question of marijuana
PART II If something is legal, is it now moral?
PART III The moral crisis over a baby in Texas and the vexing question of surrogate parenting
PART IV The lessons of history from Iran
PART I Mormon President’s death highlights differences between historic Christianity and Mormonism
PART II Should the Mormon church be considered a Christian denomination?
PART III In spite of “official” doctrine, Mennonite church continues leftward trend
PART IV Another strange milestone in the sexual and moral revolution
PART I U.S. government runs an operation to investigate U.F.O.s—why do we find the question so interesting?
PART II Further evidence of the moral chasm that separates Americans
PART III Why some moral questions can’t be reduced to dollars and cents
PART I A Catholic Cardinal, a former President of the United States, and an evangelical pastor walk into the op-ed pages of the New York Times
PART II Three conversations, one question, three worldviews on display
PART III Why resolutions fail and why the humanistic worldview crashes upon contact with reality
PART I Economics as a test of worldview and tax reform as either promise or peril
PART II As Americans have their say about Christmas, we see the centrality of history to Christianity
PART III Evangelical Christian world grieves the death of a titan
PART I Why a Down syndrome diagnosis reveals the sanctity of human life, not just genetics
PART II A moral revolution leads to a new government in Palm Springs, California
PART III From LGBT to LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP: An expanding set of letters for the sexual revolution
PART IV Why religious activity is more revealing than religious identification
PART I A political earthquake in Alabama
PART II The limits of conservative tolerance on questions of character
PART III Elections have consequences—in the Senate and in the womb
PART IV Secular attempts to resolve the sin problem with therapy
PART V New investigation that threatens to tell the truth about Planned Parenthood
PART I A special election and a crisis of conscience in Alabama
PART II The crucible of political discourse and the mixed messages of political results
PART III Abortion and a missed political opportunity
PART IV The urgency of fire as wildfires expand in California
PART I The moral mayhem of last week in Congress
PART II Our brave new world of political morality
PART III Why Christians should be deeply troubled by surrogate parenting
PART IV Very nature of New Testament as the Word of God at stake in Pope’s proposal to change the Lord’s prayer