A Protestant Christmas: How Protestants Came to Celebrate the Incarnation of Christ as Christmas
How Do We Understand Promise and Fulfillment in Matthew’s Use of Hosea 11:1? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
In Light of Jesus’s Fulfillment of the Law, Are Christians Still Required to Keep the Mosaic Law? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
Why Do We Not Sing More Hymns About the Incarnation Throughout the Year, Like We Do with the Resurrection? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
Can a Baby Fuss Without Sin? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letter from a (Probably Sleep-Deprived) Listener to The Briefing
If Jesus was Born on Christmas, How Was He Around While Adam and Eve Lived? — Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letter from a 6-Year-Old Listener to The Briefing
How Should Christians Celebrate Christmas While Also Separating It From Any Pagan Origins? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
PART I Politics at a fever pitch as limited government shutdown is underway,
PART II As thousands of women march, record numbers file to run for political office
PART III 45 years after Roe v. Wade decision, the American conscience remains unsettled on the question of abortion
PART IV How scientific developments have bolstered the pro-life argument
PART V As President Trump addresses March for Life, we pray for a shift in the ‘moral intuition’ of Americans
PART I With loneliness on the rise, particularly among young people, Britain names a new government minister of loneliness
PART II Why children’s books in China are different from the same kinds of books in the United States
PART III Treason, spies, and betrayal are in the headlines once again
PART I A radical vision of abortion rights from the Canadian Prime Minister as government uses coercive power to further its own agenda
PART II A very different vision of abortion as an issue in South Korea
PART III Australian wedding vendors celebrate a new product line
PART IV One congregation celebrates same-sex weddings as a signal, but a signal of what?
PART I Blue America is growing bluer: Political swings in both New Jersey and New York show worldviews at work
PART II Why politics and hypocrisy go together so dangerously
PART III A tale of two letters: French accuse Americans of holding to a Puritan sexual morality
PART I In the name of eliminating all discrimination, University of Iowa discriminates against Christian student group
PART II Religious liberty threatened even more explosively as Chinese authorities dynamite major church
PART III Hard lessons learned in the state of California on the issues of work and welfare and the distinction between political intentions and political reality
PART IV A false warning that was heeded in Hawaii vs. a real warning that is being ignored to eternal peril
PART I With the possibility of government shutdown only four days away, political crisis looms over Washington D.C.
PART II Why comprehensive immigration reform is needed, but should not be based on racial prioritization
PART III Language and morality...in the White House and in your house
PART IV A dream that was right: Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.
PART I Changing American religious landscape reveals changing American mission field as Muslim population grows significantly
PART II How the rise of social media has led to an increase in perfectionism amongst young people
PART III Americans turn to astrology apps in search of happiness and meaning
PART IV The Pope courts controversy with a circus
PART I New questions in the brave new world: Who gets to decide if human embryos are preserved or destroyed?
PART II Does what you drive indicate how you vote? Political scientists say “yes” according to an analysis of 50 million Google Images
PART III Looking at the moral revolution from the other side—a side fearful of the “re-moralization of sex”
PART I The Oprahfication of politics updated: Will Oprah run for president?
PART II Shareholders express concerns about the addictive power of social media and new technology. Should we be alarmed?
PART III Landslides, tsunamis, and hurricanes have all taken place: The power of metaphors to explain our moral moment
PART I The persistence of truth in an age of untruth: Is truth more important than ever before?
PART II California learns to sing the anthem of states rights as the rift grows between California and Washington D.C.
PART III The costly battle for our eyeballs intensifies in modern television programming
PART IV What can we learn—about ourselves and advertisers—from those constant drug ads?