Past Episodes

Monday, Feb. 5, 2018

PART I Major religious liberty issues in new higher education legislation fly under the radar

PART II The Pope bows to Communist leaders in Beijing

PART III Why you can add the word “poemish” to your vocabulary list

Friday, Feb. 2, 2018

PART I Why a referendum in Ireland tells us a great deal about our place in the modern world

PART II Secular authority tells American evangelicals that the future is going to require “theological flexibility”

PART III Modern culture refuses to make absolute moral judgments about sex, but not about money

Thursday, Feb. 1, 2018

PART I Yale offers a course on happiness which the professor suggests students should take pass-fail

PART II Adult happiness linked to Research indicates adult happiness is linked to marriage in a way it is not linked to cohabitation

PART III Signs of the times as our society is increasingly dabbing, dropping, and doping

Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2018

PART I On the most important of all political stages President Trump strikes a different note, even as there are few surprises

PART II New debates about homeschooling take on a new urgency

PART III As Murphy Brown returns we have to ask, “Will she even be interesting today?”

Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2018

PART I What’s at stake in historic vote in the United States Senate on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

PART II How science is used in today’s contentious cultural debates

PART III State of the Union preview: What to watch for as President Trump addresses joint session of Congress

Monday, Jan. 29, 2018

PART I Planned Parenthood loses its leader in pushing the culture of death

PART II Reality sets in among Americans on question of LGBT rights

PART III Lament over divorcing sex from love falls tragically short

PART IV Florida legislators consider bill declaring pornography a public health problem

Friday, Jan. 26, 2018

PART I Big news from China reveals threats to human dignity and the cracking of the worldview in the West

PART II As monkeys are cloned in China we recognize that what happens in China won’t stay in China

PART III What the depersonalization of dating tells us about the next generation

PART IV Why Christians must reject a two-story morality and always call sin by its proper name

Thursday, Jan. 25, 2018

PART I An amazing testimony to the gospel, to the reality of good and evil, and to Christian truth in a Michigan courtroom

PART II An amazing display of theological confusion among some German theologians

PART III Are pro-life politicians in one party an endangered species?

Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2018

PART I After a case of horrific abuse, should homeschoolers in California be inspected by the state?

PART II Parental rights and religious freedom at stake as New York officials move to control religious schools

PART III Truth takes a backseat to storytelling on the big screen and the small screen

Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018

PART I The federal government is back in least for another three weeks

PART II As new conscience protections become national policy, the political left complains about the very argument they once advanced

PART III What one politician calls “a mistake”, the Bible calls “sin”

PART IV Abortion reveals a divide that points to the deepest divide of all

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