A Protestant Christmas: How Protestants Came to Celebrate the Incarnation of Christ as Christmas
How Do We Understand Promise and Fulfillment in Matthew’s Use of Hosea 11:1? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
In Light of Jesus’s Fulfillment of the Law, Are Christians Still Required to Keep the Mosaic Law? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
Why Do We Not Sing More Hymns About the Incarnation Throughout the Year, Like We Do with the Resurrection? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
Can a Baby Fuss Without Sin? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letter from a (Probably Sleep-Deprived) Listener to The Briefing
If Jesus was Born on Christmas, How Was He Around While Adam and Eve Lived? — Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letter from a 6-Year-Old Listener to The Briefing
How Should Christians Celebrate Christmas While Also Separating It From Any Pagan Origins? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
PART I And the Oscar goes to...virtue signaling and moral contradictions
PART II The real reason why it’s impossible to clone a dog’s soul
PART III Should there be a moral mandate for absolute gender equality in every field?
PART IV A brave new world on the California freeways: Beginning in April, there may not be a driver in the driver’s seat of that car driving next to you
PART I Is “perpetual peace” possible? How Vladimir Putin’s latest announcement further undermines the hope of the Enlightenment
PART II Why one same-sex couple is surprised when the convictions of a Christian school turn out to be convictional
PART III There is a 40% chance that you’ve been exposed to 100% misleading statistics
PART I The baby that never should have been? 'Wrongful birth' lawsuits define our cultural reality
PART II Parenthood redefined: Ohio judge nullifies parental rights after parents object to teenager’s gender transition
PART III In aftermath of ‘Emperor for Life’ announcement, Chinese censors go into overdrive
PART I Are boys broken? How a basic change in the moral air of American society has led to the systemic devaluation of life
PART II Symptoms of the subverted family present themselves on America’s college campuses
PART III Is there a morality to eating one animal rather than the other?
PART IV Do dogs feel guilt? What the doctrine of creation tells us about our pets
PART I Ideological cleansing on campus: Harvard forces Christian ministry to choose between Christian convictions and continued ministry on campus
PART II In redefining Title VII, courts once again use the powers of legal coercion to establish a new morality in the United States
PART III Chinese President to become ‘Emperor for Life’ in further concentration of power by Communist Party
PART I How changes in America’s political landscape represent changes in America’s moral landscape
PART II Can Americans be financially coerced to underwrite labor unions when they are opposed to positions taken by unions?
PART III A gratitude crisis: Are America’s children and teenagers losing the ability to be thankful?
PART I The interesting story that one church-state group doesn't want you to know
PART II Secularists present a choice: Abandon convictions or abandon children
PART III No place to hide on LGBT issues for Baptist groups
PART I The life and legacy of Billy Graham
PART II Graham as counselor to the presidents, evangelical leader, and technological innovator
PART III Why there was never a hint of moral scandal in the life and ministry of Billy Graham
PART IV Personal reflections on Billy Graham
PART I A contest of worldviews as Russia seeks to exploit key weaknesses in American society
PART II What Russia has to gain from the decline of America's democratic institutions
PART III Those out of line with ideological uniformity are no longer welcome in Silicon Valley
PART IV How our worldview shows up on our dinner table
PART V When it comes to food in a fallen world, 'natural' may be too much of a good thing
PART I Fifty years later, “The Population Bomb” is an embarrassing bomb, but with deadly consequences
PART II What do declining fertility rates tell us about the American worldview?
PART III A sarcophagus for one: Why Prince Henrik refused to be buried next to his queen
PART IV After decades of ideologically-driven social experimentation, Barbie returns to traditional patterns of play