Past Episodes

Thursday, February 20, 2020

PART I Change the Pronouns, Change the Culture: How Stickers at Harvard Signal Moral Transformation

PART II A Battle for the Next Generation: Wisconsin Schools Withhold Students' Preferred Gender Pronouns from Parents

PART III The Tangled Web of Eugenics and Evolution: Richard Dawkins Defends the Hypothetical Success of Selective Human Breeding

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

PART I The Tragedy Is Bigger Than the Headlines: The Destruction of the Boy Scouts of America

PART II A Parable for Our Times: Lessons from an Onward March of the Sexual Revolution

PART III Parental Rights Under Fire: How Critics of an Iowa Bill Seek to Undermine Parental Authority in Sexual Education

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

PART I Elections Have Consequences . . . Sometimes Deadly Ones: Planned Parenthood Back in Abortion Business in Kentucky after Election of Pro-Abortion Governor

PART II Is Polygamy a Big Deal or Not? Utah Considers Making Polygamy an Infraction Instead of a Felony

PART III The Social Normalization of a “Throuple”: How Moral Change Happens in Modern Culture

PART IV So Americans Are Ready for This In the White House? Michael Bloomberg Unmarried Though in a 20-Year Relationship

Monday, February 17, 2020

PART I The Order of Creation Shines Through Despite Efforts to Redefine the Family

PART II God’s Design Shows Up in Surprising Ways: Echoes of Truth in the Midst of Cultural Confusion

PART III A Cry from the Heart: High Schoolers Still Want to Have Traditional Gender Roles in Parenting

PART IV Egalitarian Dating? Not So Fast. Even in 2020, Most Women Have Traditional Expectations of Dating Relationships

Friday, February 14, 2020

PART I 2,411 Aborted Fetal Remains Buried This Week in Indiana: Understanding Humanity’s Natural Revulsion to Great Moral Evil

PART II Where Exactly Is the Moral Conscience of the Culture Triggered? Why Divine Revelation Is the Only True Basis for Knowledge of Right and Wrong

PART III Valentine’s Day as a Reminder of the Unending Love of God, a Love Rooted in the Very Nature and Character of God Himself

Thursday, February 13, 2020

PART I Winners and Losers from the New Hampshire Primary: The Contest of Radical Liberal Ideas within the Democratic Party Continues

PART II The Establishment vs. the Voters: The Sanders Campaign Surges Backed by an Energized Following While the More Establishment Candidates Fall Behind

PART III Buttigieg and Klobuchar Have Strong Showings in New Hampshire, But Do They Have Enough Influence and Energy to Have Staying Power?

PART IV Why Is the Democratic Party So Gloomy in 2020? Low Morale and Downcast Attitude Lead to Low Voter Turnout in Iowa and New Hampshire

PART V The Billionaire in the Background: As Super Tuesday Approaches, the Big Question Is Whether Michael Bloomberg Can Buy the Democratic Presidential Nomination

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

PART I A Moment of Intellectual Honesty in Washington: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Speaks Honestly about the Equal Rights Amendment

PART II No More Bibles in Hotel Rooms? What Trends in the Hotel Business Tell Us About Today’s America

PART III The Bible is Dangerous, But Not in the Way Modern Secularists Think: The Transformative, Saving Power of the Word of God

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

PART I The Paradox of Totalitarianism: Crisis Grows for China’s Xi Jinping as Coronavirus Spreads

PART II How Should Christians Respond to Plague? Martin Luther on Serving Christ by Serving Your Sick Neighbor

PART III Distinguishing Between the Use and Misuse of What God Has Given Us: A Look at Joaquin Phoenix’s Oscars Speech

Monday, February 10, 2020

PART I Silencing Christian Convictions in Switzerland? Swiss Vote to Pass Referendum that Criminalizes ‘Public Homophobia’

PART II Archbishops of the Church of England Apologize for Statement Upholding Historic Christian Conviction: Where Does the Church Go From Here?

PART III An Argument That Won’t Go Away: Incoming Archbishop of York Argues the Church Will Lose Evangelistic Credibility If It Holds to the Biblical Teachings on Sexuality

Friday, February 7, 2020

PART I Euthanasia and the All-Consuming Logic of the Culture of Death: A Move Toward the Complete Destruction of the Moral Foundation of Medicine

PART II Does Abortion ‘Warp’ American Politics? Looking for a Non-Existent Middle Way

PART III Christianity as Fact, Opinion, or Matter of Taste? Why Christianity Stands or Falls on the Absolute Truth of Its Fact Claims

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