Podcast Transcript 1) Widespread support for military action against ISIS underlines it as stark image of evil Obama Calls Islamic State’s Killing of Peter Kassig ‘Pure Evil’, New York Times (Rukmini Callimachi) Pentagon says US troops’ role ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Apple CEO proclaims his homosexuality a divine gift, revealing extent of cultural shift on issue Tim Cook Speaks Up, Bloomberg Businessweek (Tim Cook) 2) Taiwan gay pride march displays importance of theological beliefs ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Pres. Obama's public shifts on same-sex marriage reflect moral shifts in larger society The Obama Brief, New Yorker (Jeffrey Toobin) Obama Broadens Support for Same-Sex Marriage, New York Times (Peter Baker) Presiden ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Political shift on same sex marriage result of moral and underlying theological revolution So far, so fast, The Economist 2) Supreme Court's inaction on same-sex marriage fosters further legalization and confusion Th ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Same sex marriage supporters limit religious liberty to worship service context only Marriage equality in America: So far, so fast, The Economist The staff and their souls, The Economist Which freedom comes first?, T ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Second US Ebola case reminder humanity has not mastered plague, despite medical advances Second U.S. Ebola Case Confirmed; Caregiver Remains in Isolation, NBC News (Maggie Fox and Elisha Fieldstadt) Obama Orders Immedia ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Assisted suicide plan of 29-year-old illustrates cultural demand for autonomy over end of life Why Newlywed Brittany Maynard Is Ending Her Life in Three Weeks, NBC News (Bill Briggs) 2) Canadian Christian’s job rejectio ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Supreme Court rejects all 5 same-sex marriage appeals in major milestone of moral revolution Supreme Court Delivers Tacit Win to Gay Marriage, New York Times (Adam Liptak) First Takes: Justices Decide Gay Marriage By No ...
A giant milestone in the moral revolution passed today when the U.S. Supreme Court turned down every single appeal from several states on the issue of same-sex marriage. This decision not to take at least one case under consideration stunned both sid ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Data shows marginalization of marriage to matter of status, not expectation Record Share of Americans Have Never Married, Pew Research Center (Wendy Wang and Kim Parker) The American family is a myth: Why our national m ...