Liberal parents, conservative sons

Young men are turning to conservatism—in politics and in Christianity They didn’t see this coming. Liberals in America are scratching their heads t...

March 3, 2025

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Conventional Thinking: Younger Pastors and the Hope of a Future

I posted a new article at Conventional Thinking on younger pastors and the future of the Southern Baptist Convention. Tonight I spent a really encouraging few hours with a group of younger pastors — men who are being greatly used of God to reach t ...

November 13, 2009

NewsNote: Boys Wearing Skirts to School? What’s Going On?

"Clothes are never a frivolity -- they always mean something." Thus spoke James Laver, a famous costume designer and interpreter of fashion. He is right, of course. Clothes always mean something, which is why The New York Times gave major attention t ...

November 12, 2009

On Faith: Religious Belief and the Military

This week's question at "On Faith," the religion project of The Washington Post and Newsweek was posed against the tragic backdrop of the shootings at Fort Hood. The question comes down to this: "How far should the military go to accommodate personal ...

November 11, 2009

NewsNote: Falling Fertility Makes for Happy Economists?

Is the fact that fertility is falling around the world good news? You would certainly think so if you agree with the analysis cheerily offered by The Economist. That very respected journal of economic analysis recently offered a cover story that cele ...

November 10, 2009

NewsNote: Moral Clarity and the Fall of the Wall

The twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall is an important landmark in human history. That wall, one of history's most heinous symbols of oppression, stood as a physical reminder of Communism's essence. The Wall was not built to keep in ...

November 9, 2009

Truth-Telling in a Time of Tragedy (September 13, 2001)

TRUTH-TELLING IN A TIME OF TRAGEDY: What Words Dare We Speak, When We Dare Not Be Silent? R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Preached September 13, 2001in Alumni Memorial Chapel, two days after the ...

November 6, 2009

NewsNote: The Hypersocialized Generation

Jeffery Zaslow of The Wall Street Journal opens his article with the story of a 17-year-old boy sent to the vice principal's office after being caught sending text messages in class.  The vice principal, Steve Gallagher, told the boy to pay attention ...

November 6, 2009

NewsNote: Muslim Creationists and Western Elites — Get Out Much?

Every individual human being is embedded in a complex of culture, language, relationships, and ideas. What we see as normal is a product of our perception from within that embedded social location. It takes considerable intellectual effort to escape ...

November 5, 2009

Is Truth Really Plural? Postmodernism in Full Flower

The question of truth stands at the very center of the postmodern challenge. As with any major shift in human thinking, postmodernism comes packaged with both positive and negative elements. Positively, the general worldview of postmodernism reminds ...

November 4, 2009

NewsNote: Naughty Rodents — Your Brain without Dad

Do children need fathers? Fascinating research on that question is reported by Shirley S. Wang of The Wall Street Journal. Anna Katherina Braun, a German biologist, has been working with colleagues to understand the biological impact of single parent ...

November 3, 2009