Liberal parents, conservative sons

Young men are turning to conservatism—in politics and in Christianity They didn’t see this coming. Liberals in America are scratching their heads t...

March 3, 2025

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Heresy is Not Heroic — Is Crawford Howell Toy a Baptist Hero?

Something deeply disturbing recently appeared at, the Web site for the Baptist Center for Ethics. Tony Cartledge, Associate Professor of Old Testament at Campbell University Divinity School and former editor of the Biblical Recorder, ...

January 13, 2010

NewsNote: Thinking Green — The New Religion

The human species is inherently and resolutely religious. The Bible and the Christian tradition affirm this truth, even as we know that the religious impulse can so easily transform itself into idolatry. Even the most cursory look at the world's cul ...

January 12, 2010

NewsNote: The Death of a Feminist

Radical theologian Mary Daly died Sunday at age 81, ending one of the most interesting and tragic careers in contemporary theology. Known for her exaggerated outspokenness, Daly took theological feminism to what she believed was its rightful and logi ...

January 8, 2010

NewsNote: Make Way for “Non-Human Persons?”

Having just observed the magnificent sight of humpback whales cavorting off the coast of Hawaii, I am all the more aware of just how incredible these mammals really are. While there may be any number of reasons why they act as they do, I find it very ...

January 7, 2010

Hindsight — The Most Newsworthy Events of 2009

The year 2009 is still very close in the rear-view mirror, and what a year it was. The year was significant for any number of reasons, including the fact that it marked so many anniversaries.  2009 marked the fortieth anniversary of Woodstock and the ...

January 5, 2010

Where Does the Story of Christmas Begin?

As the celebration of Christmas fast approaches, our attention quickly goes to the familiar words of the infancy narratives found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.  This is a healthy reflex.  After all, the Gospel of Jesus Christ rests upon the his ...

December 21, 2009

NewsNote: Whatever Happened to Shame?

Ellen Goodman is morally troubled. The liberal columnist for The Boston Globe surveys the moral landscape and laments "there's no shame in the game." Goodman is a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist, whose observations are predictably liberal and femin ...

December 18, 2009

NewsNote: The Death of Oral Roberts

The death of Oral Roberts marks a significant milestone in the history of American Christianity. His life, spanning from 1918 to 2009, represents 91 years and almost a century of American religious history. Granville Oral Roberts was born into the h ...

December 16, 2009

The Travail of Tiger Woods — Lessons Not to Be Missed

The travail of Tiger Woods entered a new chapter over the weekend as Accenture, a global consulting firm, severed all ties with the world's most famous golfer. In doing so, Accenture became the first of Woods's major sponsors to end its relationship ...

December 14, 2009

Starting Something You Cannot Finish: Christian Ministry From Generation to Generation

A commencement ceremony seems absolutely right and profoundly necessary. The hard work of education cries out for ceremonial recognition. The commencement traditions of higher education have developed by formality and ritual in order that this busine ...

December 11, 2009