President Biden’s unpardonable pardon: We must love our children both rightly and righteously “Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter.” Those w...
The Culture of Death scores in Britain: A post-Christian society surrenders to “assisted death” Once again, the Culture of Death scored big last we...
Collapse in the cathedral: A scandal in the Church of England reveals big lessons for all Christians Headlines around the world last week told of t...
It was a night to remember. We went into Tuesday evening with the constant reminder that the presidential race would be among the tightest in recent h...
David Gelernter is no Luddite. Indeed, he is a professor of computer science at Yale University. According to his biographical statement at Yale's Web site, his current interests include "information management, parallel programming, software ensem ...
Just how should Christians make decisions about cooperation with other churches, denominations, and Christian groups? That is the question taken up in an interview just released by 9Marks Ministries. "Cooperation in the Church" features an intervie ...
"It's a miracle," said Loretta Ables, who said her fiancé, Fred Ware, was among the survivors. "Everyone was telling us they were probably dead." Sadly, they were. After a night that saw elation turn to sorrow, we now know that only one miner survi ...
Don't even ask me how I came across this, but I just had to pass it on. Here is conclusive proof that civilization is crumbling all around us -- in the form of an article on the "hidden genius" of The Dukes of Hazzard. The article points to the cult ...
A Lutheran high school in Riverside, California is being sued for discrimination after expelling two students suspected of lesbianism. The case is a bit convoluted, but the arguments put forth by the attorney representing the girls and their parents ...
Joseph Epstein, one of my favorite literary essayists, offers a fascinating look at the decline of daily newspapers in "Are Newspapers Doomed?," published in the current issue of Commentary. A sampling: Much cogitation has been devoted to the questio ...
Newsweek's magazine for college students, Current, features an interesting article, "Monkey Business," on the campus presence of students who do not accept evolution. It's worth a look. Writer Victoria Bosch, a senior at Penn State University, repo ...
With this posting, we begin a new feature for 2006 -- Worldviews at Work. These articles will draw attention to the impact of worldviews on the way people think about the issues of the day. We'll be looking for examples of what happens when people ac ...
Reports coming our of Korea indicate that the entire research project headed by Dr. Woo-Suk Hwang was based on fakery and fraud. The Globe and Mail [Toronto] reports: An already disgraced scientist lied about all of the stem-cell lines he claimed w ...
On December 26, 2004, entire regions of the Indian Ocean basin were devastated by giant waves of water, caused by an underwater earthquake in a volitile and active subduction zone. The world watched in horror as the scale of devastation became clea ...