Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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Hitting Where it Hurts — “The Book of Daniel” No Hit With Advertisers

My commentary today is about the NBC drama, "The Book of Daniel." Here is a news story from MediaWeek that gets to the bottom line of what the network is discovering after the show's opening episode -- advertisers aren't buying it. From MediaWeek: ...

January 13, 2006

Here Come the Chimeras — British Scientists Plan to Create Embryos Using Both Human and Rabbit Eggs

From The Telegraph [London]: Hybrid rabbit-human embryos could be created in a plan under discussion by scientists and the fertility watchdog as a result of the Korean stem cell scandal. The team had intended to use human eggs to clone embryos in ...

January 13, 2006

Evangelicals React to Vatican Instruction to Seminaries on Homosexuality

Rob Moll of Christianity Today looks into the evangelical response to the new Vatican instructions on homosexuality for Catholic seminaries. His article, "Two Cheers for the Vatican," appears in the February 2006 edition of the magazine and is avail ...

January 12, 2006

Well, This Doesn’t Help

Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Community Church and author of the best-selling book, The Purpose-Driven Life, was the subject of an interview in The Philadelphia Inquirer on Sunday. The article, "The Purpose-Driven Pastor," is part of the paper's ...

January 12, 2006

Why Do Supreme Court Justices Shift Leftward?

Authors Jon D. Hanson and Adam Benforado argue that structural, intellectual, and social factors all play a part in the leftward drift evident in so many justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. Their argument appears in "The Drifters: Why the Supreme Cou ...

January 12, 2006

“The Land of Never Wrong” — The Real World of Big-Time Sports

John Feinstein offers an insightful and timely argument in today's edition of The Washington Post. In "Teach the 'Good Kids,'" Feinstein explains that athletes often get a pass on bad behavior -- even criminal behavior -- because teams are desperate ...

January 11, 2006

Is the “Hundred Years’ War” Winding Down?

George Melloan, an influential columnist and international deputy editor of The Wall Street Journal, offers a most interesting perspective of the Israeli-Arab conflct in "Reviewing the Hundred Years' War," published in today's edition of the paper. ...

January 10, 2006

Transhumanism and Human Nature — Radical Human Enhancement in the News

Reporter Elaine Jarvik of the Deseret News [Salt Lake City, Utah] offers a summary of the issues involved in transhumanisn and radical forms of human enhancement in "Shall We Enhance?," published in the January 7, 2006 edition of the paper. She repo ...

January 10, 2006

The Ultrasound Generation — Ten Million Missing Baby Girls in India

Just how will the feminists respond to this? The Times [London] now reports that the use of ultrasound imaging technology has led to the abortion of approximately 500,000 girl babies each year -- that's more than 10 million over the past twenty year ...

January 10, 2006

Prayer and the Victory of God — John Piper

John Piper, pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis and teacher at Desiring God, preached a message entitled "Prayer and the Victory of God" on Sunday, January 1, 2006. In this message, he stated: My aim and my prayer through this message ...

January 9, 2006