Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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What Does It Mean to Be a Hero? Who Are Our Heroes?

According to the dictionary, heroism comes down to courage, achievement, and morality—noble qualities, at least in theory. Heroes are those who achieved great things, risked much, and exuded enormous virtue. From a Christian perspective, we have to l ...

March 30, 2020

Save Lives First, Repair the Economy Second: A Matter of Christian Priorities

Enormous questions emerge in the wake of the COVID-19 virus. Some particular questions emerge unexpectedly and explode into a public conversation with significant ramifications. This has happened over the last couple of days with some very controv ...

March 27, 2020

Obedience to God and Love of Neighbor in the Face of a Coronavirus: A Christian’s Mandate

Just this week, I spoke with a national reporter for a major newspaper who asked me why people, in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, are almost universally asking some of the most urgent and important questions any human being could ask. I answere ...

March 26, 2020

God Be with Us till We Meet Again

The COVID-19 global pandemic presents the world with innumerable challenges and questions many of us have never faced nor answered. Religious groups in particular grapple with the commitments of their faith and the demands thrust upon the world in th ...

March 21, 2020

The End of Pro-Life Democrats

For the better part of the last four decades, the last name of the Congressman who represented the third district in Illinois was Lipinski. From 1982 – 2005, Bill Lipinski served and then in 2005, his son Dan Lipinski was elected. The Lipinski line, ...

March 19, 2020

The Humbling of Civilization: Praying for the Mercy of God

An unforeseen global crisis forces the entire world to learn a new vocabulary, set of habits, set of rules, and a new set of expectations—all of this by a tiny, invisible coronavirus known as COVID-19. Indeed, this virus has reshaped the social, mora ...

March 16, 2020

The Culture of Death Reclaims Ground in Germany: A Renewed Threat to Human Life

The culture of death continues to advance across western civilization—most recently in the nation of Germany, where the country’s highest court overturned a legislative ban on euthanasia. Christopher Schuetze of The New York Times wrote, “Germany’ ...

March 5, 2020

Are the Democrats Really Close to an Openly Socialist Nominee?

The 2020 Democratic Presidential Caucus in Nevada is now history, and history will record that Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders won by a landslide. With 100% of the precincts reporting, Senator Sanders received 46.8% of the vote—a 26% le ...

February 24, 2020

The Convictional Cooperation of the Southern Baptist Convention

What holds the Southern Baptist Convention together? What beliefs shape our common faith and define our cooperation in missions and evangelism and theological education? These are central questions in any generation, and every generation of Southe ...

February 17, 2020

Valentine’s Day and the Unending Love of God

For Christians, even a cursory glance at the day’s headlines will leave us with but one conclusion: the world is lost and confused. That reality is especially evident on a day like Valentine’s Day, where the culture reveals just how much it has lo ...

February 14, 2020