Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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The March Through the Institutions Brings Civil War at The New York Times

This week, The New York Times is not only publishing the news, it is the news--standing at the center of a controversy well worth watching. As it turns out, this development serves as a parable about massive worldview changes in the United States wit ...

June 5, 2020

The Gathering Storm: Newest Book from Dr. Mohler Releases Today

This article is an excerpt from the introduction of Dr. Mohler's newest book, The Gathering Storm: Secularism, Culture, and the Church. For more information, click here. To order a copy of the book, click here.  Since I was in the eighth grade, Wi ...

June 2, 2020

Why Did the ‘Liberal Leaning’ Media Turn Even Further to the Left? An Important Article from the Former President of CBS News

When we use the word “media,” we invoke the plural form of the word “medium”—and we are usually talking about a means of communication. In our contemporary times, when we say media we usually mean television, broadcast, print, and digital journalism. ...

May 29, 2020

The Centers for Disease Control, Coronavirus, and the Importance of Religious Liberty

According to recent headlines, there is friction between the Trump administration and the Centers for Disease Control. The issue between the two stems from whether or not the CDC would or should release procedures for religious organizations and reli ...

May 22, 2020

The Rule of Law and the Demands of Justice: Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and the Questions That Must Be Answered

The rule of law is a major issue in headlines these days—and the importance of the headlines should have our full attention. The rule of law means the rule of law and laws, rather than the rule of an individual, an aristocracy, or a despot. Withou ...

May 14, 2020

Higher Education and the COVID-19 Crisis: The Determination of Southern Seminary and Boyce College In the Present Hour

A Message from R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President Where you find faithful Christianity, you find teaching and learning. The university itself emerged from an explicitly Christian foundation with Christ reigning over the entire curriculum. Where you ...

April 27, 2020

Homeschooling in the Crosshairs—Harvard Magazine Says Homeschooling Families Are a Threat to Democracy

In a matter of just days, millions of American parents recently discovered that they are what they never planned to be—homeschoolers. It is ironic, therefore, that Harvard Magazine decided to run an article in its May/June issue entitled, “The Ris ...

April 20, 2020

More Than an Idle Threat: Real Assaults on Religious Liberty Emerge in the Pandemic

A chilling headline ran over the weekend from CNN: “Louisville Police Officers to Record License Plate Numbers of Easter Weekend Church Goers.” Over the course of this pandemic, I’ve consistently argued that churches should follow generally applic ...

April 13, 2020

Religious Tradition or Resurrection Truth? Understanding the Difference in a Pandemic

A sign of the times is often found in a headline. Kate Cohen wrote an article for The Washington Post with the headline, “Even Those of Us Who Don’t Believe Need What Religion Can Provide Right Now.” Such a headline points to a functionalist under ...

April 10, 2020

Modern Family’s Final Episode: A Media Milestone Deserving of Christian Attention and Analysis

Tonight marks a major media milestone that certainly deserves very close Christian attention: After eleven years and 250 episodes, the ABC sitcom Modern Family will air its very last episode. Why does this event deserve our attention? Because Mode ...

April 8, 2020