President Biden’s unpardonable pardon

President Biden’s unpardonable pardon: We must love our children both rightly and righteously “Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter.” Those w...

January 4, 2025

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The War Against Play

Administrators at Willett Elementary School in Attleboro, Massachusetts recently banned tag. That's right folks, no more of that dangerous and frightening game in which one kid runs after another. None of that in Attleboro. They have discovered tr ...

November 7, 2006

Eugene Merrill’s Everlasting Dominion — A Major Contribution to Old Testament Theology

Dr. Eugene Merrill, who serves as Distinguished Professor at both Dallas Theological Seminary and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has recently published his theology of the Old Testament. Everlasting Dominion: A Theology of the Old Testame ...

November 7, 2006

The Nation Discovers Secular Fundamentalism

Eyal Press must be a brave man. I say that because he takes American liberals to task for their secularist assumptions -- and he does so in The Nation, America's venerable newsmagazine of the Left. Press begins with a 2004 op-ed written by Garry Will ...

November 6, 2006

Newsweek’s Take on Evangelicals and Politics

Newsweek declares this week that evangelicals are experiencing an "identity crisis." That's what observers inside and outside the movement have been saying ever since it was organized in the mid-twentieth century -- and they have always been right. ...

November 6, 2006

The Conservative Soul

Andrew Sullivan, author of The Conservative Soul, was my guest on The Albert Mohler Program on Thursday. A full transcript of the Sullivan interview is found below. Andrew Sullivan is a serious man of ideas. I believe that his most important ideas ar ...

November 3, 2006

The Limitations of Science — A Timely Reminder

Richard P. Sloan, professor of behavioral medicine at Columbia University, argues that scientific studies of religious faith are useless, and a display of scientific reductionism at work. Writing at The Chronicle of Higher Education, Sloan argues, "R ...

November 3, 2006

Contraceptives and the Sexual Revolution

Sheryl Henderson Blunt of Christianity Today interviewed me about "Plan B," "the Pill," and what is going on among young Christian couples. The interview is published at Christianity Today's Web edition. Here is a selection that gets to the heart o ...

November 2, 2006

John MacArthur on The Albert Mohler Program

John MacArthur joined us in the studio Tuesday for The Albert Mohler Program. Dr. MacArthur is at Southern Seminary to deliver the 2006 Mullins Lectures on Preaching [available online here]. The conversation ranged across theological issues facing t ...

November 1, 2006

Defining the Issues — A Methodist Witness

Rob Renfroe, a minister at The Woodlands United Methodist Church near Houston, Texas, writes a very interesting article in the current issue of Good News magazine, published by the Good News Movement, a group of evangelical United Methodists. In "An ...

November 1, 2006

Why is Sexuality so Important to the Church?

Dr. Peter Jensen, the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, is one of the most influential evangelical leaders in the worldwide Anglican Communion. The archdiocese he leads is among the most conservative within the Communion and, not surprisingly, one of th ...

October 31, 2006