Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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When the Gender Line Isn’t Clear?

The New York Times ran a major article on transgender children on December 2, adding considerable visibility to an issue that had, until recently, hardly been mentioned in public. [See my article of October 18, 2006, "Gender Confusion in the Kinderga ...

December 4, 2006

The Credibility Question

Is Christianity in America losing its credibility? Oliver "Buzz" Thomas obviously thinks so. In his view, Christianity is losing credibility because so many Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin. He doesn't mince words. In an op-ed column p ...

December 1, 2006

“Reason, Pure and Simple?” There is No Such Thing

Steven Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology at Harvard University, recently responded to the Report of the Committee on General Education at the university. That committee called for several changes in the undergraduate curriculum, including a c ...

November 30, 2006

“On Faith” — Controversy Over The Pope’s Visit to Turkey

The "On Faith" question at The Washington Post and Newsweek magazine this week concerns Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Turkey. Here is the question: Pope Benedict XVI is in Turkey this week. What did you think of his remarks about Islam at Regensburg, ...

November 29, 2006

Common Ground on Creation? The E. O. Wilson Interview

Professor Edward O. Wilson of Harvard University joined me today on The Albert Mohler Program [listen here]. We discussed his recent book, The Creation: An Appeal to Save the Earth. Dr. Wilson was gracious in our conversation, but he was also clear. ...

November 29, 2006

“The Nativity Story” — In Season and On Message

My family and I attended a media screening for The Nativity Story last night. Here is my instant review -- the movie is in season and on message. In other words, the movie faithfully presents the main thrust of the Christmas story. That is no small a ...

November 28, 2006

Elton John, John Lennon, and Jesus

The late John Lennon, basking in the glow of fame, once remarked of the Beatles --"We're more popular than Jesus now." In more recent days, pop star Elton John gave an interview to a gay-themed magazine related to The Observer [London]. Perhaps Sir E ...

November 22, 2006

New Commentary — “The New Atheism”

WIRED magazine is out with an important cover story for its November 2006 issue -- "The New Atheism." Contributing Editor Gary Wolf explains that the New Atheists are not content merely to disbelieve in God. They want to make belief in God socially d ...

November 21, 2006

No Conflict Between Science and Religion?

The New York Times reports on a recent conference the paper described as a "free-for-all on science and religion." The forum was held at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California. Evidently, the event was an opportunity to declare open ...

November 21, 2006

“On Faith” — The Washington Post and Newsweek Publish a Conversation on Religion and Public Life

I am pleased to serve as a panelist on a new project undertaken by The Washington Post and Newsweek magazine. "On Faith" is described as "a conversation on religion" -- with religion described as "the most powerful yet least understood topic in globa ...

November 17, 2006