Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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Newsweek Discovers the Divorce Generation

"In our parents' generation, marriage was still the most powerful social force. In ours, it was divorce," writes David J. Jefferson. "My 44-year-old classmates and I have watched divorce morph from something shocking, even shameful, into a routine fa ...

April 14, 2008

Would You be Okay with a Gay Kid?

Details magazine is an American version of what the Brits call "laddie mags" -- rather racy magazines that present a vision of what the good life is supposed to look like for young adult males. The magazine features an assortment of articles on male ...

April 11, 2008

Biblical Authority and the Preacher

The inaugural issue of Christianity Today, dated October 15, 1956, featured an article by Billy Graham entitled, "Biblical Authority in Evangelism." The thrust of the article was clear -- without an unhesitant "thus saith the Lord" authority in preac ...

April 10, 2008

Liberal Theology and Theological Education — A Cautionary Tale

The history of theological education in the United States is a convoluted tale involving a host of institutions -- each with its own story. The New York Times recently looked at one of these stories in its article, " A Seminary Where a Bicentennial L ...

April 9, 2008

The Divorce Industrial Complex

Americans are generally aware that our Divorce Culture is a documented tragedy, but most seem to think that the availability of so-called "no fault" divorce is just a permanent reality. Few Americans seem to understand that marriage is being undermin ...

April 7, 2008

Wombs for Rent? Newsweek Looks at Surrogate Mothers

The cover of this week's edition of Newsweek magazine is sure to attract a lot of attention. The cover photograph reveals the abdomen of a pregnant surrogate mother along with these words -- "Womb for Rent: The Complex World of Surrogate Mothers." Th ...

April 4, 2008

Marriage and the Glory of God

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony; which is an honorable state, instituted by God in the time of man's innocency, signifying unto ...

April 2, 2008

Digital Natives and Digital Nomads — New Tribes of the Internet Age

Observers of cultural change in America have assumed for some time now that the vast technological advances of the digital age would shape the worldviews of coming generations. That future is our present as the generation of youth and young adults no ...

March 31, 2008

Is Belief in God Just a Natural Phenomenon?

The attempt to explain every dimension of the cosmos in purely natural terms is one of the monumental projects of the modern age. If the existence of a supernatural Creator is denied, then everything -- everything -- must be explained by purely natur ...

March 27, 2008

Has the Notion of Sin Disappeared?

Cathy Lynn Grossman of USA Today asked the question, "Is sin dead?" The headline of her article in the paper was: "Has the 'Notion of Sin' Been Lost?" Early in the article, Grossman answers her own question -- "No, not by a long shot." Still, her re ...

March 25, 2008