Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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Grand Theft Decency

The release this week of the video game Grand Theft Auto IV is predicted to be the biggest event in the entertainment industry this year, with some authorities predicting more than $400 million in sales over the next few weeks. While other sectors o ...

May 1, 2008

A Tale of Two Nations — Getting Honest about Sex Selection Abortions

The Prime Minister of India delivered a brave and important speech on Monday of this week. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh declared his nation's practice of sex-selection abortions to be a "national shame" and called for increased enforcement of laws t ...

April 30, 2008

Pagan Quakers — A Sign of the Times?

Like Israel in the Old Testament, the Church has had constantly to guard against its own paganization. The threat of a pagan invasion has always been real and present, and the paganisms can take the form of any number of ideologies, idolatries, and b ...

April 29, 2008

The New Face of Gay Marriage

"Honey, we may be married, but we still know how to have a good time, don't we?" That statement was made by Joshua Janson, age 25, to his husband, Benjamin McGuire, also 25. The reality of young homosexual men getting married in Massachusetts caught ...

April 28, 2008

The Politics of Religion — A Secularist Attempt

Mary Warnock, formally known as Baroness Warnock of Weeke, is one of the most influential figures in the field of biomedical ethics and ethical philosophy. She emerged in the international limelight in 1984 when she headed the committee that brought ...

April 25, 2008

A Church for Atheists?

"The last thing atheists want to see is their rational set of ideas yoked up with the trappings of a religion," says Daniel Dennett of Tufts University. "We think we can do without that." Oddly enough, Dennett was responding to the proposal that ath ...

April 22, 2008

Are Children Threatening the Earth? The Great Liberal Death Wish Strikes Again

Malcolm Muggeridge, a keen observer of the twentieth century and its horrors, used to speak of the "The Great Liberal Death Wish." Over the years, Muggeridge applied this explanation to a number of perplexing issues, especially the liberal embrace of ...

April 21, 2008

Values and Moral Truth are Not the Same

No discussion of our national ills is complete without some mention of slippery "values" in the public square. Indeed, though talk of moral absolutes is portrayed as outdated and simplistic, the debate concerning national values has never been more h ...

April 18, 2008

The Pope Comes to America — Evangelical Thoughts

Pope Benedict XVI arrived in the United States yesterday, and a flood of media attention has arrived with him. I was asked by editors at The Washington Post and Newsweek to write a special column for "On Faith" which would represent an evangelical vo ...

April 16, 2008

The Real Issue with Sen. Obama’s Comments

The news media and political pundits have been dissecting the now infamous comments of Sen. Barack Obama in which he told a group in San Francisco that hard economic times explain why some people cling to religion, guns, and certain political convict ...

April 15, 2008