Freedom is Never Free

Freedom is Never Free

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
May 28, 2007

Here is my Memorial Day radio commentary for [listen here]. May each of you enjoy a happy and fulfilling Memorial Day. Let’s pray especially for those who have so recently experienced loss and grief in the course of war.

It all started soon after the end of the Civil War, when the families of the fallen went to decorate the graves of their loved ones who had died in the service of their country. Now, Memorial Day is the national holiday that announces the beginning of summer.

We dare not forget the original vision for this observance. Now, over a century after those first American memorials, we enjoy freedoms purchased and protected with the lives of so many who have worn the American uniform–soldiers, sailors and airmen who gave their lives for their country.

This is a day that should bring gratitude to every American heart. This nation has been defended by those who loved liberty more than life, and freedom more than safety. We honor their memory today as an annual reminder of a debt we can never repay. Keep this in mind as you observe this holiday with your family. Freedom is never free.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

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