Special “Focus on the Family” Broadcast
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
March 3, 2009
The announcement that Dr. James C. Dobson has stepped down from his role as Chairman of the Board of Directors at Focus on the Family has received considerable media attention — as should be expected. After all, transitions of this magnitude are newsworthy. Dr. Dobson has been in transition for the last six years. In 2003 a new President/CEO position was established in order to free Dr. Dobson from administrative responsibilities. This new step frees him from board responsibilities as well. The same is true for Mrs. Dobson (Shirley) who also stepped down from the board.
As you would expect, this news had its greatest impact among Dr. Dobson’s friends and colleagues at Focus on the Family. I had the honor and responsibility of preaching to the Focus on the Family chapel service just after the announcement was read. The 3,000 gathered there were a wonderfully receptive congregation, gripped by a sense of history. I preached a message from Ecclesiastes 3:1-13. Our times are safe because God is sovereign. If there is no God, then all of life is vanity. But since God establishes our times, our work for Him is safe. What God begins . . . He finishes.
The Focus on the Family radio broadcast featured my message on Monday’s edition. You can hear it here. [Select “A Momentous Occasion at FOF, Part One“]
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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