Pray for Union University
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
February 7, 2008
The devastating storm system that cut across the Tennessee Valley Tuesday night produced tornadoes and a disaster at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. Thankfully (and miraculously) no one was killed on the campus, though the destruction was massive and about 1,200 students were on the campus.
At least 50 students were taken to area hospitals, and some experienced serious injuries. Thankfully, all are expected to recover. Pray for these students and their families.
Our daughter is safe and my wife and I are two thankful Union University parents, but we also recognize that this great university now faces a monumental challenge. They will recover. Dr. David Dockery is the visionary leader of that school, and his vision of Christian higher education has attracted a stellar faculty and wonderfully bright students.
Under Dr. Dockery’s leadership, the school will be stronger than ever — but there is a long way to go right now. Estimates of $40-million are currently in play, and the costs could well go higher.
As media reports indicate, the Union family has responded with a testimony to their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and a confidence that their school will continue its work — that teachers will soon again teach, students will continue to study, and the great task of preparing the next generation of Christian leaders will continue at Union University.
Pray for the students, faculty, trustees, and leadership of Union University. Beyond this, consider a gift to help Union get back on its feet. A special fund has been set up by the trustees and a special Web site is also available.
Here is a statement from President Dockery:
So many of our friends have contacted us about their desire to help Union University during this most challenging time for our campus. The Board of Trustees has established a special fund to address this particular need in the life of this University. For your generosity to Union at this particular time, please know of our gratitude. Please send designated gifts to:
Union University Disaster Relief Fund
1050 Union University Drive
Jackson, TN 38305
Faithfully, David S. Dockery, President
Storm photographs by Stephanie Schroeder

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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