“On Faith” — Is Sex Sinful or a Sacred?
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
February 16, 2007
The “On Faith” project at The Washington Post and Newsweek continues, and I am glad to take part in the forum. This week the question is: “Why do you think some religions have regarded sex as sacred while others have regarded it as a sin?”
The biblical pattern is that sex expressed within marriage between a husband and wife is holy, healthy, and good. Sex expressed elsewhere falls short of God’s intention and violates His command.
Sex is such a powerful reality that, left to our own devices, we are likely to fall into patterns of gross misunderstanding. We may, for example, make sex an object of worship or denigrate it as inherently sinful. It is neither, of course — but it takes a revealed instruction from God to make this known.
Read my entire article here, and be sure to take a look at the comments posted beneath. Check out the other participants’ postings here.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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