The Media Elite Strike Again — Who Is Out of Touch?
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
July 13, 2006
America’s media elite prove themselves time and again to be out of touch with the American people. Just consider a recent editorialin The Los Angeles Times.
In this piece, the paper’s editors lament the fact that the highest courts of New York and Georgia handed down decisions against same-sex marriage. The editors argue that the courts “moved in the opposite direction of history and justice on same-sex marriage.”
The editors were especially outraged at the decision of the New York court, coming in this case from a generally liberal state.
The editors see same-sex marriage as inevitable, and marriage as a social convention and legal construct that can be made into whatever some might demand. But whenever the people have had a chance to vote on this question, it isn’t even close.
A great majority of the American people know what marriage is. America’s media elite, on the other hand, are hopelessly out of touch.
LINK: The New York Times, also very supportive of same-sex marriage, nevertheless featured a very fair and representative news report on the New York court’s decision [go here].

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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