New Attitude Conference
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
May 30, 2006
I had the privilege of addressing the New Attitude 2006 conference in Louisville Monday, leading a session on a Christian understanding of sexuality in light of contemporary challenges. It was a tremendous experience — just seeing all those highly committed Christian young adults was inspiring.
The theme of this year’s conference is also encouraging. “Save the Wheel” calls this generation to receive and embrace humble orthodoxy — not to attempt to reinvent the wheel, so to speak.
From the New Attitude Web site:
So what’s with all the fuss about saving the wheel? was our tongue-in-cheek attempt at stating the obvious: certain things shouldn’t be reinvented. The wheel is a perfect invention; its tried and true design has held up for thousands of years. The packaging may have changed (we don’t use wheels carved out of stone anymore) but the concept has stayed the same.
Like the wheel, Truth never changes. You can’t reinvent or improve on Truth. This is the Wheel: unchanging Truth established by God.
It’s truth that He has established about Himself, His Word, His church, and His plan for our redemption for His glory. Our role shouldn’t be to remake these truths in our own image, but to rediscover and recommit to them. We don’t show up and change Truth. We let Truth change us.
Forget reinvention. Embrace a humble orthodoxy.
Really good stuff. Joshua Harris and his team are doing a great work with this movement. I pray that it will prosper.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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