The Church and The Da Vinci Code
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
May 8, 2006
Gary Emerling of The Washington Times reports that churches in the D.C. area are gearing up to respond to the challenge of The Da Vinci Code movie, set for release May 19.
From the article:
“It poses certain questions to Orthodox Christian believers that the church needs to address,” said John Yates, rector of Falls Church Episcopal, where sermons on “The Da Vinci Code” will be featured May 21 and 28. “My hope would be that it would cause people to want to go back to the New Testament and read about Jesus more carefully than they ever have before.”
That is my hope too, but I am concerned that many Christians are unprepared for the conversations that are sure to be occasioned by this movie.
Mr. Emerling correctly notes that I had the honor of addressing this issue Sunday at Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland, where my friend Joshua Harris is pastor. This is the time for humble but confident Christian witness. The truth is far more interesting (to say the least) than Dan Brown’s heretical fiction.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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