The China Syndrome — 40 Million Unmarried Men
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
April 27, 2006
China now finds itself looking a social crisis right in the face. The nation’s “one child only” limitation, coupled with that culture’s traditional preference for boys, has led to a huge demographic imbalance.
This is what happens when the state adopts a policy that serves the interest of the Culture of Death. The ratio of female to male births is about 120:100. Some scholars predict a shortfall of about 40 million wives. That means 40 million young men with no prospect of becoming husbands and fathers. This is a demographic development, caused by human intervention, unparalleled in human history.
According to the CBS News’ program, 60 Minutes, “The one-child policy is 25 years old, so the first generation is just now reaching marriage age, and for China that’s a big problem because it is estimated that as many as 40 million of its young men could spend their lives as bachelors.”
This is a recipe for social disaster. Where are these young men to turn for wives? China and its neighbors have good reason to worry. This is yet another reminder of the brutality and corruption of China’s “one child only” policy. Furthermore, it is also a warning about the reality of sex-selection abortions and infanticide. Chinese authorities have recently made sex-selection abortions illegal, but they remain easily available.
Here is how 60 Minutes reported the story [Lesley Stahl interviews Zhao Baige, China’s vice minister of the Family Planning Commission]:
. . . Chinese couples determined to have a boy can get around the restrictions on ultrasounds by going underground, in back alleys, where illegal storefronts have sprung up to meet the demand. Ultrasound machines are inexpensive in China; they cost about $360 and, as 60 Minutes saw, they are small enough to be hidden in a closet or even in the trunk of a car to do scans on the run. And that’s made it difficult to crack down.
We showed the minister some Chinese newspaper photos of a van parked in a Beijing suburb doing ultrasounds in the back. “We need a more enforcement,” Zhao said.
“Well, one of the ways that this imbalance came about is through abortion. Millions and millions and millions of abortions. Why didn’t the government clamp down on that?” Stahl asked.
“Let me go to another point,” the vice minister replied. Her “other point” was that China’s abortion rate is going down, but she didn’t explain why abortions are still free and legal right up to the ninth month, even as the boy-girl imbalance grows.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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