The Aging Playboy
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
April 10, 2006
My commentary for today concerns Hugh Hefner and his 80th birthday, which he marked on Sunday. As I argue there, few individuals have made such an impact on their times. Hugh Hefner is the perfect parable of the pornographic lie — that the good life consists in hedonistic pleasures.
Gary Gentile of the Associated Press also covered Hefner’s milestone. His article ran in several newspapers and media outlets around the country. In this version, published by ABC News, Gentile points to Hefner’s argument that his Playboy philosophy is ” as relevant as ever:”
That is Hefner’s point that Playboy with its mission of sexual liberation is as relevant as ever in these days of federal government crackdowns on television content that some consider indecent.
Hefner’s final verdict on himself and his life:
“Certainly it is a life well-lived and I wouldn’t trade places with anybody,” he said. “My life has been so rewarding and so satisfying, I would be hesitant to change anything.”
On last Friday’s radio program, we discussed the impact of Hugh Hefner and the culture of pornography he helped to create. The program is available for free download here, and also as a podcast.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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