From Mother and Father to Progenitor A and Progenitor B — A Sign of the Times

From Mother and Father to Progenitor A and Progenitor B — A Sign of the Times

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
April 6, 2006

“Spain has taken another step in its journey from conservative to liberal bastion by creating new birth certificates to avoid discrimination against same-sex couples,” reports The Telegraph [London].

In an official state bulletin, the Spanish government announced that, in light of its approval of same-sex marriage, birth certificates are now to be revised in order to replace “Father” with “Progenitor A” and “Mother” with “Progenitor B.”

Last year, Spain became the third European country to approve same-sex marriage (following the Netherlands and Belgium). The change in birth-certificate terminology is intended to allow for whatever gender any designated “progenitor” might be.

Of course, this also requires a change in the definition of progenitor, since same-sex couples cannot produce children who are actually progeny of both designated progenitors. Confused yet?

Just imagine the greeting cards. “Happy Progenitor A Day!” The family conversation will be a bit eccentric, too. “Go hug your Progenitor B right now, young man.”  New Bible translations will be necessary as well.  The Ten Commandments will have to be revised so that children are commanded to “honor thy Progenitor A and thy Progenitor B.”

The Canada Free Press reports that this is not going down well with Spain’s lesbians, who oppose the government’s chosen word as masculine:

Among the first dissidents fighting the Spanish government are the Lesbian groups, who strongly object to the term `progenitor’ (parent).

Many words in Spanish (and in other languages) have gender. Some words are masculine, and others are feminine.

The government’s proposed, progenitor is masculine, and according to dissident Lesbian groups, doesn’t recognize their feminine side. The new terms, they say, make them feel discriminated against.

Another sign of our times.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

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