RU-486, The Abortion Pill, Takes More Victims
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
March 26, 2006
Government regulators now report that two more women have died after taking RU-486, the abortion pill that pro-abortion forces have championed in the name of women’s rights.
From The Boston Globe:
Two more women have died after using the abortion pill RU-486, regulators said yesterday in a warning that brought renewed calls for pulling the controversial drug from the market.
The organization that provided the pill to the two women said it would immediately stop disregarding the FDA-approved instructions for the pill’s use. Previously, it had recommended an ”off-label” use that studies have shown effective.
The Food and Drug Administration warned doctors to watch for a rare but deadly infection previously implicated in four deaths of women who had taken the drug. The drug, also called Mifeprex or mifepristone, has not been proved to be the cause in any of those cases.
Nor has the FDA confirmed the cause of the latest two deaths. However, in one of them, the woman’s symptoms appeared to resemble those in the cluster of four cases in California where the women died from an infection of the bloodstream, or sepsis. Those women did not follow FDA-approved instructions for the pill-triggered abortion, which requires swallowing three tablets of one drug, followed by two of another two days later.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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