The Presbyterian Controversy — Look for Yourself
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
March 8, 2006
My commentary for today, “The Limits of Conscience and the Authority of the Word of God,” takes a look at the trial of Rev. Jane Adams Spahr within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and considers what it means when an individual claims a right of private conscience in order to violate Scripture and confessions of the church. Her acquittal is a dark day for that denomination — a sign that open defiance of the church’s own policies will not be punished.
I mentioned several sources in the commentary, and they are listed here for your own research and analysis:
“Spahr Not Guilty of Misconduct in Performing Same-Sex Marriages,” PCUSA News, March 4, 2006. Can Two Faiths Embrace On Future? the Presbyterian Lay Committee. Extensive news coverage available at The Presbyterian Layman. See also Jane Adams Spahr’s personal Web site and the site for That All May Freely Serve, as well as the Web site for Presbyterians for Renewal.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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