Can a University Christian Union Be Christian?
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
January 25, 2006
A university-based Evangelical Christian Union in Birmingham, England has been suspended by university officials because it limits membership to Christians and uses the words “men” and “women” in its constitution.
From The Times [London]: Andy Weatherley, Christian Union staff worker in Birmingham, said: “The guild insists the Christian Union constitution must be amended to include mandatory clauses, insisting on more control by the guild and open membership to those who would not call themselves Christians.”
More: The Birmingham Christian Union has more than 100 members who attend meetings regularly and has been functioning at the university for 76 years. Members claim the actions have been taken against them after they refused on religious grounds to make “politically correct” changes to their charitable constitution, including explicitly mentioning people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered. The Christian Union was advised that the use of the words “men” and “women” in the constitution were causing concern because they could be seen as excluding transsexual and transgendered people.
LINKS: University of Birmingham Guild of Students, Consitution of the Birmingham University Evangelical Student Union, BBC News.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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